
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Parables in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

Parable of the Leaven

This time of year we are focusing on some of the parables of Jesus in the Atrium. With the year one children (ages 3-6) we start with the Parable of the Mustard Seed and then we do the Parable of Pearl of Great Price, the Hidden Treasure, the Parable of the Leaven, and the Parable of the Wheat Seed. These parables were chosen out of the many Jesus told because they speak to the children on a deep and spiritual level. They were chosen after careful observation of many children, from many different countries and social backgrounds, over many years. Every time I present them, I am amazed at how deep the children think about them! As they get older, more parables are presented. The Parable of the Good Samaritan, the Parable of the Lost Coin, the Parable of the Insistent Friend, and the Parable of 10 Virgins. Each one of these parables speaks to the child about an element of the Kingdom of God.

Today Bunny was presented with the Parable of the Lost coin. I read her the parable from the Bible and she then moved the figure around to recreate the story. After we moved the figured around I asked her some basic reflection questions. I asked her since this was a parable, what did she think Jesus was trying to tell us about the Kingdom of God. She said that Maybe he wanted us to find things we lost. I said, "Well Jesus is talking about the Kingdom, I wonder what things we could loose of the Kingdom"> She told me that we could loose God. I asked her how we could loose him. She said by not listening and praying. I said "hmmm that is a true. I heard in the parable, the woman searched for her lost coin until she found it. How do you think we can find God if we have lost him." Bunny told me, "Well we could re-love him and pray again." After that she wanted me to go away so she could work with the material more! I was blown away her insight. It is such a great foundation for Reconciliation and First Communion next year. We can find God by re-loving him. I love it! These are the moments that make all the work worth while. I am privileged to be able to witness the stirring of their souls as they begin to recognize their relationship with God.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful!

    I need to get our posts up at Seeking the Plan of God about our work over the last month... I just LOVE the children's insights on these parables!
