
Monday, February 11, 2013

Montessori Monday~ Research

Today Bunny asked me to read a book about Legos and how they were invented. It was a long book, but we read it. She thought it was really cool and when we finished I asked her what she thought was the most important and most interesting thing. She told me that she thought it was interesting how the first Legos failed. They wrapped, became discolored, and didnt stay together. Then they found a new plastic type and added the circles on the underside of the brick. She loved that idea. I am wondering if maybe it makes her feel good that something so awesome started off as something less then perfect. So I asked her to write down her thought and she did. She did a beautiful job. I was inspired by Anna over the The Broad Stair when she talked about how research is done. She said that one child can read the work, one writes the work, and one edits. So I read and edited, and she wrote! It is a system that is working out and she is getting her thoughts out on paper! Now I just need to remember to have her read it back to me! Pup also listened to the book and drew a picture of legos! It was pretty cute!

We also got a bunch of other things done today too! Bunny played with the multiplication board and we worked on the subtraction snake game. Plus we worked on the some All About  Spelling and some handwriting. I read on Pintrest somewhere (sorry about not having a link) about how you can teach handwriting using a story. Each line is colored a different color, Yellow for the sun, blue for the sky, green for the grass, and brown for the dirt. Some letters sit in the grass and breath in the air. Some letters reach for the sun and keep their feet in the grass. And some letters like to sit in the grass and stick their toes in the mud! Bunny thought it was really cool and loved the idea. It was my hope that maybe she would start to understand lines!

Pup built a ton of puzzles, and she and I worked on some sandpaper letters. It is amazing to see how easily she picks those sounds up! I didnt do any Montessori work with Bunny at that age, so this is a new experience for me!

Here are the sounds she knows! :)
So that is our kick off to the week. It was pretty good! If you want to see more amazing Montessori fun, be sure to stop by Living Montessori now for Montessori Monday! Happy Schooling!



  1. Nice research work! Great idea on the handwriting lines. Good work by your girls!

    1. Thanks! Bunny really thought that the handwriting was fun too! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I'm glad you had such a good first day of the week. Kal-El is excited that Bunny is doing AAS too. We had a TERRIBLE Monday. I think they were a little too sick for a successful day. Yuck.

    1. Well this day may have been good, but the rest of week wasnt quite so good. We were feeling a little under the weather too. Oh well, there is always next week right? I hope you are feeling better! I am glad to see that you are doing AAS too. I think that program looks good!

  3. I absolutely love the idea of one child doing the reading, one doing the writing and the last doing the editing. I've never thought of that. Thanks for sharing. Your post was always. :)

    1. Thanks so much Lori! I really felt like knowing this could allow some of pressure to be off Bunny to find a way to do all the work herself. Working together has really made some of the tears go away! It is good to hear from you! It looks like you and the boys are having a good time working too!

  4. I love how you watch for new ideas and inspiration and incorporate them into your homeschool! It's wonderful to see the great work happening with your girls! Thanks so much for linking up with Montessori Monday. In addition to featuring your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page, I pinned it to my Montessori Elementary Activities and Ideas Board at
