
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Taking Time Tuesday~ "C" is for Cloud!

Today was Taking Time Tuesday!!!!! So today we tried a recipe that I found on Pintrest a while ago for cloud dough! It was perfect since it went with out theme so well {plus it was warm out today so we could play with it outside}! It was really simple to make, just flour and baby oil { you can click here}. However, if you think you would like to try this, please be warned.....THIS MAKES A MESS!!!!!! :) It is flour so it get everywhere! :) But it was FUN! It is like playing with really smooth damp sand. Its crumbly, but hold a shape! The kids loved it! My washer, however, is still not so sure that it liked all the extra laundry! :) Here are a few pictures that I managed to get before I jumped in and played too!

It was a great practical life work since the girls could make it themselves
{I did do the baby oil since it was messy}

Mixing it up!

That was our fun time for today! They played with it most of the morning and then again in the afternoon! It was a great sensory experience! They say you can save it, but I didn't! I can always make more! If you happen to try it, let me know! I'd love ti hear how it worked for you! Happy Schooling!

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