
Monday, November 7, 2011

Montessori Monday~ FIAR A Pair of Red Clogs~ "C" is for clouds

Ok....super long title, but I wanted to get all the information in there! We are officially rowing another FIAR book this week. We are reading A Pair of Red Clogs this week and the science portion of the lesson was about weather {we did "w" already, so we used "c" for clouds}. So that was the theme that I used to make our trays and our activities for the week! We will also talk about the decisions the girl made and about taking good care of the things we have. I want to hit on the art aspect of this too. We really dont do much with the language and math parts of the FIAR since Bunny is past counting and we are still working on our letter sounds. :) So here are our trays for the week:

Tonging Clouds

Spooning pasta through a funnel

Shucking corn with tweezers

Cloud classification cards
{these were free here. I like that the littler ones can use it for matching and I can read the description cards to Bunny and she can find the correct card! Great for both ages! }

Making the 3 types of clouds with cotton balls.
{This Idea was inpsired by Adventures of Bear amazing unit on weather}

Here is a revised version of the honey Bear for Tadpole!

The day went fairly well with the kids. We really some good work in and the kids tried everything! ;) Here are some pictures of our day!

Pouring turned into whole hand transfer! ;)

Flower arranging

Tadpole wanted to try the tongs. Here he is saying "open"! :)

He got the open and close after a few minutes.

Then there were cotton balls everywhere!

I gave a small {incomplete due to a broken pitcher}presentation on Dynamic Subtraction.
I think she will get it pretty soon!

Here are some weather words that Bunny wrote {she is really getting into writing!} She and I reviewed the spelling of the words together a bit {you can see where we erased some} The little "L"s at the end of each word is a check mark to she we talked about it! ;)

I also worked a bit with the number rods with Bug and Pup.

Bug is getting it! :)

She also worked with the sand tray! She was really good about tracing the letter first, then using the sand tray. I loved how she would stop half way though making the letter in the sand and re-trace letter to make sure she got it right!

It was a good day! Stay tuned, we have Taking Time Tuesday tomorrow and we played a really fun weather version of Simon says! I will write a post about that too! If you want to see more great Montessori fun be sure to visit Living Montessori Now and One Hook Wonder!


  1. Can't wait to read about the weather version of Simon Says. I have the Red Clogs book but we haven't rowed it yet. I had to buy it as our library doesn't have it. Great activities and thanks for linking to my blog.

  2. Thanks Julie! Your unit was amazing and I was so happy to be able to use a few of your ideas! A pair of red clogs is a great book! I love the story! The simon says game was fun. I will post it soon! :) Thanks for stopping!

  3. Hi, I came over from Montessori Monday. My little ones are a bit younger than yours but it is always nice to see what other people do.

    So bunny and pup are your children but tadpole and bug are not? You have like an open school day for other kids/friends? That would be fun. Jealous of your montessori materials- wish I had the space and money to set out our place better and have the materials.

    I love how bug traces the letter and then does it into the sand- such precision! Lovely to see.

    I noticed you have a link to Jo`s blog {in Japan} on your blogroll- I am in Japan too! I go to Jo a lot for advice! She is fantastic.

  4. Fantastic post, Stephanie. Discovery Days indeed!

  5. Thanks so much John!

    Lulu~ You are right. Pup and Bunny are my kiddos and Bug and Tadpole are some friends we babysit for. :) It gives me quite an age range! We are lucky to have all the materials. I was blessed with some unexpected money at the time that I needed to make the big purchase! So it worked out! Alot of thing though I know that I could have done without! Montessori At Home! has a great list of materials that you can make or use something else for!
    I love Jo's blog! She is such a wonderful crafty person! There is always great stuff there to find! Thanks so much for popping by! I love to meet new friends! :) Happy Schooling!
