
Monday, November 28, 2011

Montessori Monday~ Christmas Season Fun!

Well everyone, I am finally on top of the holiday! I have Christmas trays out now! Plus I have a few more that I will change out as we go through the month! I hope that this will work. My thought is that we are going to be so busy doing so many other amazing things this month, that we may not get as much work time in with the trays. So this will allow me to change a few, but leave them out long enough for the girls to really work with them! So here is what I have out this week!
Sorting Buttons by Size
(This one was so fun because Bunny had no idea what it was for since all the buttons were together. :)

Sorting Buttons
(Bunny has been really into sorting!)

Spooning Beads into a vase with a Funnel
(yes this is still out! It is amazing how excited they are when I change the beads)

Polishing a Mirror
(I found a new mirror, so the kids are all excited about this too)

PomPom Tweezing
(This is really for Tadpole since he cant hurt it! We are still fighting the throwing works)

Tonging Ornaments into Box
(This was a big hit too! Another one for Tadpole. He is loving tongs, so I am giving him some options)

A Sensory Bin!
(Its been a while, but I found something that Tadpole cant choke on, that my dog cant eat,
and I dont need to sweep up every few minutes! Hooray!)

Here is what is in it:
Gift Bows
Star Box (there is a button inside)
Giant Jingle Bell

 Prophecy tray for the First Week of Advent 
(This tray had papers with the prophecy printed on in the lightest gray scale possible in Monotype Cursive. All the kids need to do is trace the words with a marker and then glue it on the purple paper.)

So needless to say there was a great deal of excitement over all the new trays! They really jumped right in when they got down to the school room. Bunny and Bug got right to work. Tadpole dug into the sensory bin right away! And Pup wanted to figure out what how she could do more then one at a time. :) They worked so hard for quite a while, but it just didnt last as long as I wanted them to. I will be honest, we only worked for about 45 min. Oh well, it was one of those days! But they did do some good work while it lasted! Here is what we did!
Bug had a hard time with the chopsticks, but she tried it.

Tadpole loved this for about 2 minutes! ;)

Bunny really liked using the new mirror work!

As I predicted, Tadpole loved the tonging! He is still trying to figure out the open close, but he's getting it!

Here are the girls working so well! I love that they look busy together!

If you noticed, after they finished, they switched trays! :)

Pup wanted to try this, so I helped her out a bit. This was really beyond her. She did well once I sorted out the sets and then asked her for the "next biggest".

She moved on to the ornament work. She liked this one, but said that I put too many in the basket because they couldn't fit in the box with the lid closed! So I guess my control was off! Montessori Kids are great! ;)

Bunny really liked this! She did a great job and wanted me to take a picture of her tray when she finished!

Here is Bunny tracing over the Prophecy card for the week! I loved that she Illuminated it with her own art work! She did a wonderful job! I hope that this work will, not only allow her to connect with the prophecy, but also her her handwriting as well!

She really concentrated on this!

Bug did this whole puzzle! I was proud of her since last time she tried it she couldn't quite get it!

Tadpole really wanted to do a cylinder block! This was something that he actually sat and concentrated on for a bit! Yeah! I am seeing some growing in his work ability and that makes me happy!

There was also a ton of art work that got done, and some inset practice as well!

Bug was really proud of her work and carried it around the rest of the day with her!

Pup is really been working on her coloring! She is getting a hang of that three finger grip! :)

Tadpole even tried listening to a few sound containers. It didnt last too long, but he had fun.

Here is Bunny's Advent wreath with the oval Inset!

Pup pulled the Binomial Cube out and tried it, but she couldn't get it. So Bug took it over! With a little of my help representing it, she was able to do it and was really proud!

This of course inspired Bunny to pull out the trinomial cube. This lead her to realize that she forgot how to put it together! It took a bit, but she got it! I guess we will have to do it again!

Here is her word list for today. She is doing really well writing. I am trying to keep her interested. I hope that since she has been writing words with ease that reading is coming soon!

And, yes there is alot of hoping for snow here! :) Bunny made this with the insets!

So that is our day today. Now in the spirit of honesty, this was the best few minutes of the day. I think that my girls were in time out almost as much as they were working. And even though it all looks so peaceful, I spent quite a bit of time yelling at my kids to stop yelling and to just listen to me. was a rough day. I love having a blog to stop and look at all the good moments. It helps me to see past the negative and to get the strength to go forward tomorrow. It lets me see the amazing progress and learning that my kids did while I was trying to get my head together.Do you have days like this?
Now, aside from my harder day, there are a ton of great moms out there with really wonderful weeks that are sharing ideas over at Living Montessori Now and  One Hook Wonder! I am linking up there!

On a another side note I was wondering what you all think of my blog. Is there something that could make it better or easier to use? Is there a certain type of post that you would like to see more of? Are the pictures helpful or too much? I just wanted to get your input since I write as much for me as for you! :) You are all the best readers ever and I cant tell you how amazingly blessed I m to know you all! Thanks for stopping by and reading! Happy Schooling! :)


  1. I love your blog. It comes to me via email:) I just don't have much time to come and leave you comments, but I do read it faithfully. We have hard days all the time. It seems Bear is more stubborn than usual these days and I have had many less-than-glorious mom moments. You are not alone. Oh, and love the pics. Not too much at all.

  2. I love your blog too!! I told you before!!...I really enjoy reading your posts and you pics... You're absolutely right, looks a very peaceful space!!lol, but dont worry about it!! I hava a lot of that days too!!lol., I call them, Interesting days!! I really think all of us have them.... I just pray to the Lord and ask for wisdom, patience, and temperance, and as you, focus on the happy days!! and the happy moments of my girls when they complete their goals. You're not alone!! God Bless you! and Big Hugs!!

  3. What fun trays & sensory bins! Love the polishing a mirror - so cute! I am your newest follower, I'd love it if you followed me back =-) I also wanted to invite you to link up at mY TGIF linky party -
    Beth =-)

  4. Thanks so much guys for your feed back! Its good to know that I am not alone in those rough moments!
    Julie I dont know what it is about this age, but stubbon is definatly happening here too! Bunny has been aruging with me about everything!
    Karen Thanks so much for your support! I call them interesting day too! You are so right, prayer is the only way to get though that hard moments! I do love that taking so many pictures allows me to remeber and hold on to the good stuff! Thanks for being there for me! :)
    Beth, so glad to have you following me! I will have to link up to your party! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  5. Definitely keep the pictures! I love a blog with pictures as it really helps people see what is going on {although, like you, I choose the ones that best showcase the day and not the ones of tears or throwing stuff!}

    I think all of us have hard days- I have two under two and both still non-verbal and so frustration and clingyness galore. My toddler especially tries my patience but I take deep breaths and tell myself tomorrow is another day! We had a good day today but Monday was SHOCKING!

    I like you blog although I do not comment as much as I would like- keep up the great work!

    Oh & love the sensory bin- things like that are hard for us too with little ones although I try to put them together occasionly! Ones with non choking items are needed here as well :D

  6. Thanks so much Lulu. I really have a hard time when thing just arent going well! I take a lot of deep breaths and tell myself I will survive! Today my Pup was supposed to be napping and instead I found that sh unrolled a brand new roll of toilet paper! Sigh. Tomorrow will be better! I'm glad that you like my blog and pictures! I just wanted to be sure that it wasnt too much! Thanks for reading my blog! Its great to know that I have support! Good Luck with your two! Happy Schooling!

  7. I think you've got a great format. I actually really like that you have several kids of different ages - it's great for getting ideas now and down the road. On that note though, could you remind us of their ages every so often? I know "each child is different" but general age appropriateness would be awesome.

    Thanks for being candid about the low points in the day. Seeing all of the perfect angles throughout blog land makes mine look like an ADD hellian. Glad to hear thats more normal that not.

    Thanks again for sharing!

  8. Hi Holly,
    Thanks for the tips! I will look into putting a thing on the side with their ages! :) For now I will tell you that Tadpole is 1, Pup is 2, Bug is 3, and Bunny is almost 6. She is in Kindergarten!
    We really do have just as many bad days as anyone else! In fact sometimes our best 10 minutes are all I put up on the blog (Its amazing how many pictures you can take in 10 min.)! I use this space as a way to remember all the good things and that helps me stay postive! Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting! I love hearing everyone's thought! Happy Schooling!

  9. I LOVE your blog, and your photos are wonderful, Stephanie! Even on your hard days, there always seem to be some great things happening. And hard days definitely happen in every homeschool.

    Your Christmas activities are great! I love that you're using the prophecy cards. I added your post and tonging ornaments photo to my Montessori-Inspired Christmas Activities post at

  10. I am all about pictures!

    I love your trays, especially the buttons. Where did you find them? We have some similar work on our trays this week.

    Stopped by from Montessori Monday :)

