
Sunday, November 27, 2011

The First Day of Advent!

Well today is the first day of Advent and I have a plan for how we will prepare for Christmas this year!!!!! It took a while, but I think that I have it ready to go! We are going to be choosing a prophecy each week to read, reflect on, and copy. These are the ones that are done in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Atrium. They have been chosen because they really meet the child's interest at this age. So we will be doing that tomorrow. I also have a really great book that has a story for each day of advent. It has a combination of bible stories, saint stories, traditions, and legends! It is so great! I found it on Amazon here. So we will be reading these daily (they start on Dec.1). There are alot of activities that we can do that fit with story of the day, so I will have little things going on all month! We also have the traditional chocolate advent calender (the girls favorite), and advent wreath, and our nativity set all ready out and ready to go! That was today's task! Bunny LOVES to decorate, so she could hardly wait! I think we will slowly add decorations as we go though advent! So my hope is that this advent will be simple, fun, and full of blessing! Here are some pictures of us getting ready!
Here are the girls putting the pieces into our stable. Bunny really didn't want to share.
This was the first year Pup was interested in helping out!

Here are the girls putting the candles in the advent wreath.

Then we had a special blessing for our wreath to start the new season.

So here we are, week 1!

We LOVE the advent and Christmas season! There are so many great ways to live out this time of year to fullest! What ways do you and your family prepare for Christmas (or any other holiday you celebrate)? I love to hear what other people do, so be sure to leave and comment and share your traditions!
 Don't forget to enter my giveaway here!


  1. Love to see your kids learning wonderful things during the Christmas season. I featured your post on the Montessori MOMents facebook page. :)

  2. Thanks Lori!!!!! We love advent and the holidays! Esspecailly Christmas! I think that excitment leavels here just ramped up a 1000 degrees! I hope they make it to Christmas! We dont even have the tree up yet! ;)
