
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Taking Time Tuesday~ Leaf Crafts

Today was our second Taking Time Tuesday and it was great! I have decided that although summer is over, there is no reason to give up our fun crafts and trips together!!!! So I have made Tuesday our day to have fun together!
Today's fun linked into our theme really well and also offered lots of free art time! I invited some friends over to join in the fun! I put out a bunch of art supplies for the kids to choose from and told them that we were making leaves! The favorite work was the clay! I had so nice air drying clay from Crayola and I had a template of a leaf for the girls to trace. Before I knew it the flat leaves were turning into pinch pots!!! Then there were tons of other great creations! Next they hit the felt! I helped cut our leaf shapes and they glued googly eyes, sparkles, buttons, and beads onto them! They were so very colorful! I love it when kids really get into art and create their own creations! Here are some pictures of the work!

Here we are all ready to go!

Everyone wanted to do clay....even the little ones!

They really got into making their creations!

When I helped the little ones put glue dots on their felt, then fell in love and worked for a long time! :)
 Their work was just too cute!

Here are the clay creations!!! Aren't they great!
 All of them were done by the child completely!!!

Here are some of the leaves that were made out of felt! Look at all those eyes! ;)

So that is what we did today! The girls love having time to make things all on their own! I have been on Pintrest and I have a ton of ideas for our next few Taking Time Tuesdays! :) Happy Creating!
 How do you keep fun in your family routine?


  1. That does look like a lot of fun!
    I just make sure we have a lot of down time when we're not out and about. I keep books and blogs around to jump off of and get inspiration, and the fun is sure to follow!

  2. Thanks Lisa! We did have a great time! I love blogs too! The best place for ideas so far is Pintrest! If you havent tried it yet you should! I can send you an invite if you want one {My contact info is at the tab at the top}. I love having all the ideas in one place to find! Thanks for stopping by and Hppy Fall!
