
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

More Leaf work....

Today was had a great school day! We started off by taking a walk to the mail box that turned into a leaf hunt! Bunny has really seemed to grasp the science behind the leaves changing and we were able to talk about that more. We also looked at different types of leaves to see the shapes and edges. Bunny got this idea from this book I got at the library. It is a really amazing book with a TON of information woven into a story! The best learning books are the fun ones! If you are looking for a great fall book to read, this is a good one!

Bunny found the same leaves that the little bear in the book! When we got home she matched them to the ones in the book! She thought it was great and we also got to talk about the different kinds of leaves!

After our walk we headed down to the school room for a project! This project came from Let's Lasso the Moon. Her girls made these trees in school and I knew we needed to do it too! First we traced the girls hand and upper arm onto a brown paper, and cut them out. Then we laid it on some wax paper and sprinkled some crayon shavings {the girls helped me peel the crayons and I used a pencild sharpener to make shavings! Easiest way to make shaving ever!} on the fingers and a few at the bottom. Then we put another piece of wax paper on top and ironed {between two towels}. The results were so pretty and they look awesome in my front windows! Bunny liked doing it and added a few flowers to the bottom of it, and Pup ....well Pup LOVES everything that has to do with her body and art! :) She has showed it off to everyone! :)

Then we hit some more work! Bunny got the math works out! I wanted to introduce her to the tens board. I tried, but the paper ones we have just don't seem as inspiring, so I used the number cards to teach her the tens numbers. We then counted by 10s. This was new for her and she really liked it, and I know that she was starting to get it because she used the dots on the side of the Tinkerbell rug to count by 10s! I hope that this is just the beginning! Then I pulled out the Hundreds Board. I showd it to Bunny and she wanted to do it all! It took her a long time but she did it! She even saw the pattern and was able to mostly get the number names! It was a great day in Math!!!!!

Pup worked on some knobless cylinders and did a matching shadow game. She loves matching right now and I need to get a few more of those works out for her!

So that was our very busy day! I hope that you are having a great time schooling this year! It means alot to me to have such great people stopping by and letting me know what you think about our work! Thanks for all the support! Happy Schooling everyone!


  1. Great work! Where did you get the matching leaves to shadow cards? We didn't find the paper tens and teens boards inspiring either, but I couldn't justify the expense.

  2. Your hand print trees turned out gorgeous. Bravo!!!

  3. Julie~ The cards were from the free fall download at Homeschool Creations {sorry I forgot to put the link in my post}! You can find them here
    I just count justify the expence of the tens board either. I am hoping my mish mash version will work out just was well! We'll see! Thanks for stopping by!

    Zina~ Thanks again for the great idea! We love the art work! This project is one that you save forever! :)

  4. Lovely!!! Same thing here!! she just don't like that material!! I used and still using other forms to show her the 10s!! Thanks God I didn't buy that material!!lol I used a homemade version!!lol Thanks for sharing your experience!!

  5. Hi Karen! I;m glad Bunny isnt the only one that isnt really interested in the Tens board. We did ok with the teen board, but I think that using the Hundreds board was more interesting! Thanks for popping by and sharing your thoughts!
