
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Taking Time Tuesday~ Apple Pie Playdough!

Today I read our FIAR book, "How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World". We talked about the way the story starts to repete at the end of it and about the aspects of it that makes it funny. Then I got the girls started on their Tuesday project! Today I planned to help the girls make their own playdough, cinnamon crust color, and rosy red apple! Then they spent a happy morning making apple pies! I found this idea on Counting Coconuts and I knew the girls would love it! It was a great lesson in measuring, stirring, cooking over the stove {Bunny not Pup yet}, rolling, cutting, and sharing! :) They had a great time and Bunny made a really cute pie that looked real! She was so proud of it! Here are the pictures of our Apple Pie fun!
Here is Bunny mixing her ingredients
{Bunny is in the back ground adding cinnamon!}

Here is Bunny using the stove for the first time. She was so proud and she loved it!

When it finally cooled, the girls got right to work!
Bunny had a hard time with crimping the edges of the pie.

I showed her how to do it. Here she is concentrating on it!

Next she added the apples.

She was so proud of how it turned out!!!

Here it is all done!

After they cleaned up {and I told Bunny that she couldn't keep the pie forever}
we cut her pie open! It looks really good!

Here is Pup rolling out her dough! She did a great job!

She also rolled her own apples! So much great muscle work! :)

We had a ton of fun with the pie and I am sure that we will be pulling this work out really soon! Tomorrow I plan to work on the science part of this row! Stop back then! Happy Schooling!


  1. So cute.we also baked some chocolate cupcakes the pictures and the play dough pie.

  2. Fun! Gotta try this. Thank you for sharing
    Discovering Montessori
