
Monday, October 17, 2011

Montessori Monday~ FIAR Apple Pie

Today we started our first Five in a Row {FIAR} book! I am trying it out to see how it works and so far its going pretty well! We decided to start with "How to Make and Apple Pie and See the World". We have already done alot with apples this year, so I am focusing more on the geography in the book! {Our letter will be "W" for world} Bunny and I read the book today and then we went through the book and put out pictures of where the girl went and what she got where. After that we did some simple addition and subtraction with "apples" (I used the cherries from our High Ho the Cherrio game). She got them all right! She even makes sure she reads the signs right {I mixed the addition problems with the subtractions problems}! I was so proud of her! We even practiced some reading. I wrote some simple sentences and she read them {with a little help from me with the harder sounds}. Pup and Bug were playing together all day and didn't do very much work, but I figured that they were learning alot just doing that! Here are some pictures of our day!
Here is our apple math!

Here are the results of her math problems.
{I guess we need to work on writing our numbers :)}

Here is Bunny reading!

Here are sentences she read. I had to help her with the silent "e" and with the "ea" sound,
but she is getting it!

The little girls got out the metal insets and made apples!

I also made a quick color mixing work and it was a HUGE hit here!
Everyone wanted to do it, so we also had a lesson on waiting! :)

Tadpole has been wanting play in water constantly, so I let him play in the sink!
He really loved it....till he soaked himself!

Too Cute!

So that was our day today! Stay tuned tomorrow is our Taking Time Tuesday and I have some things planned for the girls. I also have plans to work on the water cycle and evaporation {like the salt water that the girl in the book evaporated to get salt}, and I want to present Bunny with the Vowel Tree from Montessori Moments! If you want to see more Montessori work, please stop by Living Montessori Now and One Hook Wonder! Happy Schooling!


  1. Love it! My kids love FIAR and B4FIAR and want to own all those books. Every time we go to the library and they see one of the titles from FIAR we've read, they want to sign it out again:) Except for Storm in the Night. They don't like storms so they don't care for that book. lol.

  2. We love FIAR too! We are going to row "How to make an Apple Pie and See the World" next!

  3. I am pretty excited about this. I think that we are going to row a few books ( Clown of God is next, then A Pair of Red Clogs). I also think that I will be using the concept of FIAR to row a few books that I pick out. Next week we plan to go to an Island near by that has caverns so I found a story book about rocks that I want to row with the girls. That is my plan for the time being. I love reading about your rows Julie and I cant wait to see what you do next!
    Thanks for stopping by! Mommy to the Princess I hope you post about your rows too!

  4. Hi Stephanie! That color mixing activity looks like so much fun. No wonder the kids were so excited about it. You're making me want to try the FIAR rowing. I'll have to do some research. Thanks for linking to my vowel tree. You're the best. Happy homeschooling!

  5. Great apple activities, Stephanie! And FIAR sounds like a lot of fun ... I always loved literature-based activities. I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page and your post and subtraction photo in my Montessori-Inspired Apple Unit at

  6. After she practices writing numbers more and she doesn't improve with the numbers being reversed, you may want to look into dyslexia. My husband is dyslexic (before there were ways to test and provide help for it), and says his mom and teacher did lots of extra work with him and did tons of memory exercises. His phonetic sounding out of words and spelling are still not fabulous but he graduated university for computer science and is now a high school teacher. I am not saying that this is what your daughter has, but just to keep an eye out for it. Also, you don't have to keep this comment posted, just wanted to pass this along in case it helps. Thanks!

  7. Thanks for stopping by with your thoughts! I have though that maybe it something that I need to look into. I just want to make sure that I rule out my teaching first! ;) I think that I need to help her practice the correct way to write. I started Montessori with Bunny last year, so she was already past her sensitvie period for sandpaper letter. She just didnt like to do them much. So I think that now I need to teach her differently. If some work on my part doesnt fix it, then I guess I will need to get her check out! Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts and expirience! I love that we can all help each other out! Peace and Smiles!
