
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pumpkin to Jack-o-Lantern!

Yesterday we carved our pumpkins up and the girls loved doing it, although neither of them wanted to scoop out the gook {yes I know that this is not the technical term, but you know what I am talking about!}! :) I helped Pup make a traditional jack-o-lantern and she loved it so much! In fact she popped the pieces in and out like a puzzle over and over! :)
Bunny wanted to design her own, so she drew it out with pencil, and I cut it out! She had seen some pictures of a haunted house and she thought it looked like a castle. So she made a castle and loved it! I thought it was so great that she was so creative! Here are the pictures of my pretty girls making their pumpkins amazing!
Here is Pup ready to work!

Here is Pup starting to clean out the "gook"!

I love that she is working so hard to put it back together!

Here is Pup's Pumpkin!

Here is Bunny, so proud of how her pumpkin design turned out!

As you can see we turned the left over pieces into yard decoration! ;)

So that is the start of our halloween fun! Stop back tomorrow for our Montessori Monday and my halloween trays! :)

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