
Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Circus is in Town!!!!!

Well today the circus was in town! I love the circus and I have wanted to take the girls for a while, so I splurged and bought tickets!!!! This was the really good circus and it only comes every so many years! It was amazing!The best circus I have ever been to! The girls thought it was great! They loved it all and I think that they may have even had some sensory overload! ;) Here are some pictures of the circus!

We got there for the pre -show that allowed us to go down to meet some of the performers!
 It was great to get close.

We could dress up!

Dance with the dancers! Pup even tried to follow along! :)

Here are the girls with the souvenir cup that I bought for them! Bunny LOVED hers so much!
 It has a place of honor in her room! :)

Here is the begining of the show! It started with the national anthem of course!

This was the opening parade. Bunny loved how the elephants held each others tails! :)

Jugglers juggling fire!

Tightrope walkers! This was so cool!
 The two on the bikes had a bar on their shoulders that the girl in the chair is sitting on!

Here are the tigers!

The aerial performance is always my favorite! I love to watch the people twirling in the air!

Here are the elephants coming in for their part of the show!

Aren't they awesome?!!!!

And the finale!!!

Both of the girls had so much fun and I think they will remember it for a long time! I know that I will!


  1. What fun!
    I've never been to a circus, but your post makes me want to go!

  2. We just rowed Mirette on a High Wire and did a circus theme. The circus comes to us in February and I plan to take my kids. I just couldn't wait that long to row the book:) The row has been so much fun that I have been inspired to do a circus theme party for their birthdays in August. I have tons of circus carnival type ideas on my pinterest party party board. It looks like your circus was a great one!

  3. Lisa~ It was amazing! If you have a chance to go see one you should! The kids loved it and so did I! We did see the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus and it is the best! :)

    Julie~ I only have Vol. 1 of FIAR so I dont have that row. :( Oh well. I thought about doing Clown for God, but I just didnt get it together yet. I think I will do that next week, but since it halloween tomorrow, I managed to pull together some halloween trays. :) I will have to find you on pintrest though! I love the circus party idea! How fun would that be?

