
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Montessori Monday ~ "R" is for Rock

Well today we jumped right back into school and we had a great day! We learned about rocks ( sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous) after reading our Book this week: "Rocks, Rocks, Rocks" by Nancy Elizabeth Wallace. We also painted some rocks that picked up on Put-in-Bay. The kids loved it! Bunny also got some tens boards work in, and some reading work. Plus Bug and I worked on some sandpaper letters and she did a really good job! So here is the pictures I took for the day!

Here is our rock basket for the girls to sort the 3 different kind of rocks.
{You cant see them, but there are labels and control color dots on the rocks}

Here they are experiencing the rocks that Buddy the Bear talks about in the book!
Its a great way to make the rock study real and to really help the learning stick! ;)

Here I am explaining Sedimentary Rock. I had the girls push their hands together in layers to demonstrate how the sediment becomes rock! The girls thought it was cool!

Here we have sorted out the different rock types

In the book, Buddy the Bear has some rocks that he sorts and make into designs,
so I gave the girls some rocks. Both of them thought this was a cool idea! Who knew!

Here is Bug working on a Fall grafting printable.

Here is Bunny sorting the rocks into the same categories that Buddy the Bear did.

 Bunny also worked on some reading. I write a small easy to read sentence on a paper. She has to read it and then illustrates the page.

Here she is showing me the word Crystal. I apparently had used the work rock and she said it should have been Crystal! My mistake! ;) Yes she is still spelling phonetically "cristl"!

Here is Bug "poofing" the letters I asked her to find. She did a great job and it was fun! I mean who doesn't want to use a magic wand to slap a letter sound! This idea is based off of what Julie is doing over at Adventures of Bear with her son JoJo. They use a fly swatter, but a magic wand fit better here!

I also add some objects that started with the letter sounds for her to add to the game! She did it more then one, so i guess I will need to follow up on this!

Next we painted rocks! I gathered some really great flat rocks while on vacation. They are a sedimentary rock and I thought that letting the kids paint them would be a fun art project! It was! ;)

Here are the finished products!

Later on in that day I worked with Bunny on her tens. I wrote the number on the board and asked her to fetch the right amount of beads and tell me the number name! She did it!

After we got through the tens, I started adding units to the numbers and asking her to fech and name them. This proved a bit trickier. It took me a few tries and the number cards to explain to her her how this worked. However, I must have gotten it right because she was reading the numbers in a book later!

Then I played "poof" the numbers with her! I figure that if Bug loved doing it with the letters, then Bunny would like it for the numbers! She did!

Well that is my day with the girls! They did a ton of work and I think had some fun too! I hope you all had a great day too! I am linking this up to Montessori Monday over at Living Montessori Now. So Pop on by and more amazing Montessori fun!


  1. We love those books about Buddy. They are so fun but educational as well. I learn a lot from them:) We did neat demonstrations of the types of rocks. Look under geology on my sidebar.

  2. Here's the actual link

  3. We've used a magic wand too for sandpaper letters. It's so much fun. I love the tens work you're doing with Bunny. It's always fun to see what you are doing bc Bunny is one step ahead JR. It shows me what's next! :)

  4. Julie your ideas are amazing! I wish I had time to so they all! I will definatly do the food rock types for lunch tomorrow! I love all of your ideas, especially all the amazing nomeclature cards you made! Thanks for sharing!

    Lori we loved the magic wand! It was so fun! I'm glad our work helps you "see" the next step! I love it when that happens!

  5. LOVE the rock classifying & painting. What fun hands on learning! I'd love for you to come link up at my Linky Party -

  6. I love the magic wand idea with the sandpaper letters! I think I have a couple kids at preschool I could use that idea with!

  7. Hi Beth! Glad you stopped by! I will definatly be checking out your linky party! Thanks for stopping by!

    Mieke~ I hope that you can use the magic wand! I would love to hear how it works for you!

  8. Great activities as usual, Stephanie! I love how you demonstrated sedimentary rock layers - and the magic wand is awesome! I'm so glad you link up with Montessori Monday each week! I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page and bookmarked it, too.

  9. Awesome Deb! Thanks so much! You are the best!
