
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I'm Back!!! ~ Our Vaction Fun!!!!

Well I have been MIA for a few days because we were on a mini vacation at Put-in-Bay, OH to celebrate my Hubby's Birthday! I know that is is really end of the season and alot of things were really closed, but we still had fun! I had planned for everything being closed for the season, so it wasn't much of a surprised. It was really weird, however watching everyone closing things up for the winter! It went from a party town (its a huge summer party spot) to a Hallmark style small town in one day! Again, it was amazingly strange to see!
To get to the Island, we of course we needed to get on a ferry! Bunny and Pup have a Caillou movie with an episode where Caiullo went on a ferry. This of course made the ferry trip a super exciting thing!  I cant tell you how excited!!!!! When we pulled the car onto the ferry, we got out and headed up to the  deck for the ride. Bunny was shaking she was so excited! I don't think she could have sat still if she wanted to! :) Pup was a little scared, but she loved it too! I think it was one of the highlights of the trip for the girls!

Here is dog headed out to "grandma's"house! She was so excited to be in the car! ;)

On the road!!!!

Here is the ferry we got on!

On board.

Headed up to the deck.

Here is one of the pictures that I have of Bunny all excited!

The girls got a kick out of seeing our car below us!

Bunny also was super excited to see a real circle window!
 I'm not sure why she thought it was so cool, but she loved!

We are alomost there, get back in the car quick!

The Bed and Breakfast that we stayed in was really great! It was beautiful and really homey. I liked it alot. It was a great place to relax and the girls were able to have their own beds! Bunny was so excited to be sleeping with her sister. "Its just like olden times when the girls shared a room" were her thoughts on it! ;)

Here is our B&B

This is the sitting room

Here is a veiw from the sitting room of the bedrooms

Bunny on her bed

Pup on her bed!

Bunny wanted to make her bed up as soon as we got there!

My plan this week for school, since we were going to be out on the Island, was to talk about rocks. On South Bass Island there is a cave that you can tour and also some great touristy fun mining for gem stones! So I thought that our theme this week would be "R" is for rock. I found a great book that we can "row" our own way, so I brought it along! When we got to the Island on Sunday, we headed out to the caves right away (since they were only opened on weekends). Bunny was so excited!!! We got there about a half an hour until the tour of the cave started, so we bought a bag gem stone mining mix and took it out to the slues box area! Bunny and Pup were so excited about doing this! It was really great fun, and the mix was full of pretty gem stones! When we bought the mix, the workers also gave us a chart with the names and pictures of the different stones they could find! It was like a pre-made Montessori work with all the fun of a tourist activity!

Here is the "treasures" as Bunny called them!

Here is the girls "making" pennies in one of those penny squishing things!
Its their new collection!

The cave was small but great! It laid a really great foundation for when we read our book and talked about bedrock under the ground! Bunny really thought it was cool, and Pup scared me to death because she didn't want to hold my hand and almost fell a million times! There are alot of really cool shaped rock in the cave and it was fun trying to see them!

The next day we realized that we needed to be a little creative in our activities, so with a few good tips from some locals, we were able to find a really great beach spot and nature walk area! It turned out to be super beautiful outside, so we went to the local grocery store, picked up some lunch stuff, and headed out for a picnic!!!!! We started by heading down the grassy path of the protected nature area, and as we went we found that there were paths down to different parts of the beach. These beaches aren't the kind you sit on a build sandcastles, but they are perfect for rock hunting and exploring! We found lots of rocks and were able to use them to talk about the different kinds rocks that were shown in the book we were reading (sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous). We also collected some just because they were cool! After the beach we continued on and found a rocky strip of land that connected to another small island! We were all able to walk across to it!!!! The water was only a few inches at it deepest point to cross. My husband and I both thought it was cool that were able to get on an Island that almost no one goes on! :)

This is our Pumpkin Pie rock!

Here is huge rock that we thought was the perfect table and chairs for our picnic! :)

There were a TON of Monarch on the Island! It must have been the ones that are migrating to Mexico from Canada. I think at one point I spotted 6 of them in one area!

We found one that looked ingured and so I helped the girls pick it up and look at it. It was a male butterfly (as Bunny informed me). I love it when we have a chance to get up close and personal with nature!

Here is a piece of drift wood that my Hubbie thought looked like a ostrige! It was too funny!

There were all sorts of Butterflies in the area! It was cool to see different ones!

Here is the grassy path we walked on

Here is Bunny pointing to another Island. This part of the beach was cool because it was all solid rock! What a cool way to talk about bedrock and to feel it!

Here we are headed onto the little Island we found! See how tiny it is?

We made it!

Here is a picture that Bunny took for me! She is pretty good!

Another Butterfly!

The girls were also able to get in a little bit of awesome pumpkin crafting! The lady that ran the bed and breakfast that we stayed at, found some craft supplies and let the girls paint the pumpkins she had! They had so much fun using the glitter glue and stickers to decorate them! Thanks so very much to the wonderful lady who made that fun for them!

Like I said we were able to have a bunch of fun and we all got to relax! It was really fun and I am so glad we got to go! I am also glad to be back to blogging! There was no internet on the Island that I could find! I hope that you pop back tomorrow for some more rock week fun! Happy Schooling!


  1. Glad you had a great time on your vacation! We love put-in-bay too! It is one of our favorite getaway spot from our home in Michigan! I love the little town with the colorful stores and the awesome food there. We also love the bay with those beautiful pebbles, we always get beautiful pictures there. We've been to the underground cave too, cool stuff. Love how you turned that into a unit on rocks!

  2. We love going there too! I think that this is the first time we've taken Pup. We usualy go in the summer when things are open, but at the end of the season all the great resturants and stuff are closed on the main strip! It was like a ghost town! :) The lake was awesome though as usual and I was happy we were able to get to the cave tour! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. It looks like you guys had a great time. I love going to deserted islands. It feels like you have it all to yourself. Oh, and the driftwood definitely looks like an ostrich! :)

  4. It was fun!!!! I love feeling like we are all alone too! We had alot of fun! And I'm glad we arent the only ones crazy enough to see animals in driftwood! ;)
