
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Our New Rhythm Plan

Well everyone, I have thought and thought and thought about what we need to do in our home to make things run more smoothly. Things last week were rather rough! I kind outlined this idea on my other blog Peace, Love, and Blessing and this weekend I worked really hard to figure out a positive way to help ease out transition into our new fall schedule (or rhythm since that's more fun to say!). What I think we are going to do is to really be intentional. I know that I said that before, but I didn't think about it in the way of chores and house cleaning. We are going to work together. So when it is time to clear the table, then we will all clear the table. That way they are helping and I am getting things done! I also wrote out our new rhythm out (complete with pictures) so that the kids will be see the transitions in the day. I am hoping that this will help us know what we need to do and not have fits when this happens! This is my plan for know. I know that things will change as we go, that's life! But its a good start! I will be presenting this to them tomorrow and we will see how it goes! Here is a picture of my rhythm that is posted on door in the hallway.

I also want to take a moment to remember all of those who died in the attacks on 9/11. 10 years ago I was on a campaign trip with my family in Michigan. Being without a tv, my grandpa, came and told us all about it. I will never forget the look of horror on my parents faces. We spent the rest of the day watching the reruns of the coverage on the news. It was awful. I didn't truly realize the extent of what happened. As it sunk in, I had random nightmares about terrorist for quite a while.  I also I really felt so much awe and gratitude for all the brave people who did go to help and make a difference. I know that we will never forget, and I know that we will tell our kids about it so they can honor the hero's! May God Always bless the country and the people that live here!

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