
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Montessori Monday~ "S" is for Safety

Well today we started a new week and I am hoping that we are going to have a better one! My dear friend offered to come over with her kids to help watch Tadpole while I worked with the older ones! We tried it out and it sort of worked! :) Tadpole is such a huge explorer and its hard to keep track of him sometimes. We did get some pretty good work done though, and my friends kids did too! It was great to have a chance to see some other kids working! Her little boy (age 3) did the best pink tower I have ever seen done! He was so very deliberate and very focused on lining every cube up just right! He did great! Bunny was able to do a little bead work that she normally cant do while Bug and Tadpole are here. So it was pretty good. Again, we are all trying to work out the best way to work together here. :) I hope we get into a good rhythm soon!
Now on to my plan this week! I have changed what we do a bit. We have a circle time when the kids get here. I was doing a story, but that was proving to be really hard with Tadpole since he was climbing on everyone! :) So I decided to make up my own fairies! So this week out first fairy is Sam the Safely Fairy! Instead of reading, I have a small chalk board that my sister drew a picture of Sam on, and I told a short story that I made up! :) It again wasn't the best, but the kid listened! The story this week went something like this:

"Along the edge of the Alphabet Forest in the Strawberry Patch, live a fairy named Sam. Sam has a special job here in the forest. He knows all about safety and he gathers the little fairies and teaches them about it. He read stories all about the many ways we can stay safe, like how to dial 911, how to stop drop and roll, how to look both ways before crossing the street, how to stay away from strange fairies, how to be careful about jumping, and how rules can keep us safe! He does such a wonderful job that all the fairies love to learn from him! He always end his lessons with a song. Would you like to hear the song he sings? Well here is how it goes:
Safety Song
Sung to: All Around the Mulberry Bush
This how we learn to be safe, learn to be safe, learn to be safe.
This is how we learn to be safe all day long!
So that is how our story time went. The kids all stayed put, so if I can improve my story telling skills then it might be a fun time for all of us each week!
I also made some trays for this week, but they aren't really themed trays. The kids seem to like them though. Anyway, enough talk, here are our pictures!
Pipe cleaner in cheese shaker!

Tadpole's Shelf


Sifting with slotted spoon.

Shell Scrubbing


Story Stones

"S" basket

Stamping work

Cylinder Block

Trinomial Cube

Binomial Cube

Drawing and Cutting

Sensory Bin

Bug wanted to do the colored bead stair really badly. So I let her try to build it.

Red Rods. He did these SO well. He is very precises in what he did and he even put them back!!!!

He also did a beautiful Pink Tower!

So much concentration!

Moveable Alphabet even got pulled out! Yeah!

This was the only work that Bug really sat and worked on! She Loved it!

Pouring! Isn't his concentration awesome! :)

Here are the girls doing some exploring of the bead stair beads and small addition. They did a great job!

We also did the Red Maze again! This time I had musical instruments that they had to try and walk without making noise!

Sandpaper letters!

Bunny was doing subtraction, so I gave a quick presentation to her friend on the golden beads.

Here is Bunny working !

So that was how Monday went! It took me a couple of tries to get this post done so I am sorry if it seems a little chopped up! :) I hope your week is going well! I am hoping tomorrow goes well! We are trying the rhythm again! :) I am linking this post up to: Montessori Monday!!!!! As Always there is a ton of great ideas there!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so impressed with your sister's drawing - lovely! I always enjoy seeing what's on your shelves - and the photos of concentrated work are awesome! Thanks for linking up with Montessori Monday! I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page:
