
Monday, June 20, 2011

Montessori Monday! post number three for the day! ;) I forgot to post yesterday! Here is my weekly post of what we have done for school. This week was more laid back then ever! We are really getting into the swing of summer! Here are the few things we did:

Double Letter sounds with the farm. I asked her to find something with the double letter sound I picked out. Then she wrote the word.

Pup was able to use the chopsticks to pick up the tiny wooden eggs! I didn't think she could, it is really tricky!

She also matched animals to cards. This was repeated a few times!

Here is trying sweep up crayon wrappers that she picked off.

Nuts and Bolts

LOTS of Golden Bead work!

Here is Bunny holding the word "out". She was so proud that she figured it out. We were working with the sound "ou" and she put it all together!

Water Kitchen!!!!!

Here is Bunny doing Object boxes! She is getting really good and sounding things out. She still cant write too many words that she thinks of, but she can sound out things she sees!

Here are all the math problems Bunny "won"! She is so proud of getting them!

Washing Hankies!

Our trip to the Zoo to see the "Monkeys"!

"Painting" with water on the sidewalks!

Pup riding her bike!!!!

Needle Felting!


Whew! I guess we did have a busy week after all! I forgot we did all of this! :) Thank God for pictures! If you want to see more kids working on Montessori work, stop by One Hook Wonder!
What have you done this week?


  1. Nice work week you guys had. Love the washing hankies work. Thank you for sharing
    Discovering Montessori

  2. I have to try the washing hankies. A new follower. I love your work with the girls.

  3. We loved the washing hankies too! Bunny wants to wash real clothes though! :) Maybe next time!

  4. You never cease to amaze me! Great work this week. I wish I could say we kept up with you, but we definitely didn't. Oh, well...there's always next week. :)

  5. Love all the water play, and how exciting that Bunny is progressing so much with her reading/spelling! Thanks for linking to Montessori Monday. :)
