
Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Fathers Day.....A Little Late!

I didnt get a chance post about how much a LOVE LOVE LOVE my dearest hubbie and all the amazing things that he does for me and for the kids! I just couldnt image a more amazing man to be the father of my kids! I love him so much, and Bunny says, "I love him more!".  The girls made Daddy gifts this year. We dont really do any gifts on Mothers or Fathers day, just little handmade things! Here is what the girls made this year.

Pup painted pictures. She LOVES to paint.

I taught Bunny how to needle felt and it is her new favorite thing to do. So she made something for Daddy.

Here is the picture Pup painted.

Here is what Bunny made daddy!

What did you do for Father's Day?

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