
Monday, May 6, 2013

Montessori Monday~ Counting On!

There is no debate that I love the math sequence that Maria Montessori created. It is really an amazing way for kids to touch, see, and play with math that is otherwise difficult! Today I realized that we are in a huge transition with math here for both girls! Bunny has really been able to abstract things so well! In fact we have moved away from a lot of material since she does better without it!

Pup is working on getting into more math work!  She has really mastered the basic counting and today I thought I would make her work feel like big kid work! I pulled out some colored bead bars for her to match to the right number. She LOVED it. While she worked, I thought that this is a really good way for little kids to feel like they are getting to work like older brothers and sisters while still working with the same elements that they still mastering. The counting sequence, while simple, is actually a really important skill to master. All of the other math work that a child does later will depend on being able to count and know numbers accurately! I don't know about your kiddos, but Pup does a work once or twice and then is uninterested in it. When that happens, sometimes pulling out something special can make it all new and exciting! Today bead bars was that thing! A couple of weeks ago, I added some small plastic eggs! Counters are a great and easy way to add some pretty, seasonal fun to you school room! Not only is pretty, but it is super fun for the kids!



What is your favorite way to add some fun to everyday work?
I am linking this up over at Montessori Monday! Stop by there to see some more Montessori Fun! 

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