
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Angles, more Angles, and Triangles!

Today our work took a decidedly different turn then I was expecting! I had planned on doing a new grammar presentation for Bunny and also the next geography presentation, but Bunny had other ideas! She and Pup started off the day drawing (pretty common) and Bunny pulled out the triangle inset. She found that if she drew two next to each other that there was a third in the middle of each other! This took us off on an exploration of angles and triangles! First she used the geometry sticks to make the triangles from the geometry cabinet, then we talked about the names. However, she just didnt understand the names, so I pulled out my albums and did the next geometry presentation!It was about angles and their names. We learned what a straight angle was, a right angle, an acute angle, and an obtuse angle was. She was super interested and she made a booklet of triangles with different angles to them!

We also worked with fractions again and Bunny did a great job working out some of the equivalencies. She really loves it!

It seems like the girls have just taken off with this school thing! Pup worked right along while I was working with Bunny and Bunny worked really hard while I was working with Pup! In fact it all seems like it was a little too easy! It is really interesting to see how Bunny is choosing research work in a different way and I feel like I am scrambling sometime last minute! However, it is such a relief to have all my teaching albums on a tablet when I need them! Sometimes I will be able to rad up on a lesson and them present it 5 minutes later. It is a tricky, but it is really the only way I can seem to get it all to work! What about you? How to you managed these last second interests of your older ones? Do you make them wait, or do you got with the flow? Here we go with the flow! In fact we I will make the material I need while Bunny works on something else next to me!
With Pup it is different. I think that she is a little more independent with her work, but she still needs me to work with her. So I am. Yesterday we did some sandpaper letters and today we were working on sandpaper numbers again. I am also showing her some of the extensions with the pink tower and brown stairs. She loved that so much! In fact she was so focused and concentrated!

It has been a great start to a great year! I really cant wait to see how it keeps going! I hope your week is going well too! Stop by and let me know what you are up to! Happy Schooling!


  1. I wonder if the greater independence in Pup has anything to do with being second born? My second is only 8 months old and already I think she will be more independent than Wheels is/was. They (naturally) just don't get quite so much individual attention, so they never get used to needing/wanting it. (Maybe it would be different if the kids were really close together and the first didn't have time to get used to that either....) At any rate, glad things are going well, and good luck!

  2. Wow!! Great Job Buny!!! Amazing geometry work!! love it!! And I agree with Kylie, the second its more independient, here its the same thing, little princess do EVERYTHING with out help, or if somebody try to, she said, no! me!!lol.... ok!! Montessori girls what can I say???


  3. I agree with you both! The second child definatly gets more independent! It is just so interesting sometimes to think about the difference! I cant wait to see what they are like when they are 6! Thanks so much for stopping by!
