
Friday, February 3, 2012

Subraction Snake Game!

Well today I started Bunny on her double letter sound presentations. We picked out three to start with and we did a three period lesson. We got through period one, but I think we will need to do it again tomorrow. She couldn't remember all three of them. Right now I am going to aim for a few sounds a week. We'll see how it goes! At least its a start! Once she get these sounds, I think everything else will fall into place better. I'll keep you posted!

We also, finally, figured out the subtraction snake game. Yes I know, its not that hard, but it took me two different Montessori Albums and the better part of a half hour to figure it out alone! lol But I finally got it! I was all excited to show Bunny a new game to play and she was ready to learn. However, when I showed her how the snake got smaller, she was so unhappy! She didn't want to loose some of the pretty golden beads! :) So now I'm not sure if she will play it for that reason! I'm not sure what to do about that, but at least she got it. We did two snakes and she seemed to get the idea!

Setting up the snake

Counting it out.

See...she is really unhappy about loosing the golden beads! :)

But we did it!!!!

So that is what we have been working on today! In addition to this we also have been reading some books about our body systems.Bunny is absorbing so much of that just be reading! I hope you all had a wonderful school week! Stop back soon. I have an AMAZING giveaway coming up!!!!


  1. Kids will always have something that they do not like. The trick is to keep it on the work plan and do it with her until she is secure with it. Although we have to follow the child we can't let them miss out an important step!

    As far as the diagraphs go, I would not introduce them too quickly. Three a week would be fine and maybe slower. This is where following the child is really important. Some children only need to be introduced once and other need reinforcement of one diagraph for weeks. I have a kid at school who I think has dyslexia. I have been researching and found that many children, not just those with dyslexia, learn best by making the sounds. This child has learnt 3 diagraphs this week by making them with clay. As he made them we talked about how the two letters make a new sound, talked about the letters and what they are. This works best if the letters are joined together, as if they had been written in joined up handwriting (cursive, do you call it) because it makes it clear that the two letters are joined to make the new sound. I am amazed that something so simple has made such a difference.

    1. Hi Anna, I love the idea of making the sounds out of something! I have heard it alot, but for some reason its one I forget! I will have to try it. I do plan to make sure she get the sounds before we move on to more! I think that it may take a while, but if we do some everyday it may be easier (as you can see I was serious about doing them before a meal! :).

      I plan to "make" Bunny do the subraction game! I really did think that her reason of not liking it was really cute! I think that she will like it as we go. Thanks so much for all of you help! You are the best!
