
Friday, December 23, 2011

Our Merry Christmas!

Well it turns out I have a few moments to share with  you our Christmas today! Bunny and Pup were SO excited and happy! We got up and I managed to get the girls dressed and fed before we tore into gifts! ;) It was hard though. After breakfast was all done, my hubbie and I headed into the living room (the girls were already sitting there staring at the tree with the gifts all around it) and I started passing out gifts. The girls jumped right in a they LOVED everything they got! Bunny said that this was the best Christmas ever and she got everything she ever wanted! ;) Then she said that she was so happy that Santa was coming soon. I asked her what she wanted him to bring her if she got everything she wanted, and she said "I don't even know! I am so excited"! I love watching their magic! My hubbies loved everything he got too, but he wasn't jumping up and down! ;) Here are a few pictures of the girl opening gifts.

Waiting, and waiting, and waiting....

Its time!

I made the girls diaper bags for the girls dolls. Zebra print is Pups FAVORITE! :)

Even Lacey the dog got a gift!

Bunny picked out Daddy's gift herself and was so happy to give it to him!

Pup was also happy to give Daddy a gift!

Here is Pup opening her big gift! I loving seeing the happiness!

Bunny opened her big gift and was so excited!

She got the American Girl Bitty Baby. This doll matches the other one that she has so now they are twins! She was so excited and named the new doll Emma!

Here is an AMAZING faux sheep skin blanket that I got from Pottery Barn!
 It is amazingly soft and warm! I love it! ;)

Bunny got a cape I made.

Pup got her a mixer that she loved so much she hugged Pup big time! :)

Ahhh sisterly love!

Bunny got Pup the Cookies and Milk set from Apple n' Amos. They have AMAZING natural wooden toys and Santa will be giving a few more items from their shop. Stop by and check out their stuff!

Pup just held her new dolls for a while. I think that she was overwhelmed by all the Christmas fun and it took a while for her to get ready to play. She is a little confused about the gifts, she thinks that it is her birthday! :) I think she is getting it now!

Bunny however set up house immediately! :) She had everything out and was playing in her own world!

Another amazing surprise were the flowers that showed up for all of us girls! My hubbie ordered little trees for each girl and a beautiful flower arrangement for me! I haven't had flowers in forever and I loved them! I also got a necklace that matches my earrings! It is so pretty and I love it! I will wear it all the time! He's the best hubbie ever!

Isn't it pretty?

After a while of playing, we took a drive to make Pup nap (the only way to get her to nap is to drive. I thought it was worth all the gas today so that she got some well needed rest)! Shortly after that we headed out to our fancy, family dinner! We always got out together and I try to make it special by helping the girls get all pretty! Today I pulled out a purple dress for Pup that we found in the box of clothes (it was too big but she had to wear it), and I took some time to curl Bunny's hair! She loves curls and she looked so pretty! I wasn't able to get pics before we left, so the only ones I have of them all dressed up are at the restaurant. Here are a few that I was able to take! (Sorry for all of the strange colors. It took me a long time to get the camera settings to work in the dark restaurant).

Here is my cutie!

And here is my Pretty Girl!

Bunny took a picture of me and my hubbie!

Pup actually took this one of me! :) Pretty good huh? You can kinda see my new necklace!

So that is part one of our three days of Christmas! I am truly blessed to have such wonderful times with my family and I thank God for that everyday! Once again I ask the Baby Jesus to give joy and all the wishes in you heart this Christmas! Merry Christmas Everyone!

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