
Friday, December 9, 2011

Montessori Work Day!

Today we had a great work day! Both girls enjoys quite a bit of hard work! I love it when we get down to work and all the girls do really well! It was a pretty typical day, but we managed to cover almost all the subject areas! Here is what we did!
We started off with some seasonal work off the shelves, but we quickly moved on to bigger and more difficult works!

I saw this amazing idea at Montessori Moments. You write letters on the chalk board and the child makes them disappear by tracing over them with a damp paint brush!!!!! Bunny loved it and it was a wonderful way to practice her letters! She started doing numbers and I pointed out that she as making them backwards (this has been a issue for a while and she not self correcting so its time for me to step in). This inspired her to later practice her numbers on some manuscript paper!

Pup has wanted to try the binomial cube for a while, so i showed her how to do it. It is really tricky for her, but she has been sticking with it. She was able to do all of it several times so long as I helped her a bit. She did concentrate really hard!

She was so happy when she got it all done!

After she finished her "math" (Binomial cube), Pup decided to water paint on the chalk board.

Wrapping gifts work

Pup spent a long time on the floor blowing a tiny piece of Styrofoam across the floor! Silly Girl!

Here is Bunny doing a reading work that I found on Chasing Cheerios! It is matching object with actions sentences! Its a great version of the early reading game where the child reads the paper, then does what it says! This uses objects and Bunny loved it! It took her a while to get the confidence up to realize that she can read them! But she did all four and was really proud!

We also played the addition snake game again! She likes it, but she only wanted to do it once.
At least I got the rules and process right! :)

Here is Bunny doing that number practice! I wrote the numbers at the top of the page for reference, and she wrote them below!

Here is her work. Mine are on the top line and hers are below! She had a hard time at first. They were going all different ways! So I told her that if she traced the sandpaper numbers first, that it would help her brain remember how the numbers are supposed to go. She thought that was a great idea and traced each number before she wrote it and the difference was amazing! I love Montessori material!

We also worked on a few double letter phonographs. She knows mostly all of them! I though we had quite a few more to work on, but we are almost through all of them! I guess I need to make some practice work for her to do with them!

We also played with metal insets and Bunny came up with quite a few things to make with them that are Christmasy!

Pup also tried some dressing frames. Bunny tried the tying frame again too! This pretty much wrapped up our work time today and I think the girls did a great job! Happy Schooling!
How has your school week been? Are you still doing school even though the holiday fun is starting up?


  1. What a wonderful work day! Our schooling has been lacking a little bit during this busy season. I'm sort of ready for it to slow down so we can have days like yours again.

  2. I know what you mean. I have been forcing myself to stop with my to do list and get down stairs with the girls. It is just so hard. In reality we oly really get in 2-3 days a week right now. After the New Year I hope to do better!
