
Monday, December 5, 2011

Montessori Monday~ Advent week 2!

So this week I have kept almost all the same tray (Bunny was disappointed, but hey, I cant do it all)! There are a few new ones though! We are still focusing on Christmas themes since our work time is a little broken up due to the holiday fun we are having! Here are the new trays:

One to One with mini ornaments and chopsticks

Chirtmas Napkins with Napkin Rings

Gift Wrapping
(Note: I pre-cut the paper so that it fits a certain box)

Our work day was not much. We ended up making cookies instead (sorry no pics, my hands were busy)! Both Bunny and Bug did most of the work and they really enjoyed baking! It really made the house feel Christmasy! The kids also got down to do a little bit of work and I was able to some pictures of that.

Gift wrapping

Tadpole got to unwrap! ;)

Pup did it too, and she did a great job!

Tadpole did this one to one work!
 I like that the ornaments could also allow for the three finger grip if you hold them from the top!

Pup loves the napkin rings!

Bunny always chooses the prophecy card work right away!
I take the time to ask her some reflection questions when she starts so that she can go deeper into the work.
Her thoughts today blew me away! You can read them here!

Bug did an amazing green triangle (Christmas tree) inset today. She worked super hard at coloring it in the lines! She was so proud of it and I hope that she repeats this work soon!

Tadpole really is fascinated with tongs! He loves to try and get them to work! While I know he will have limited success with this work, he is so interested in doing it that I let him explore it!

So that was our day today! It was relaxed and easy, but I think that the kids had fun! I also didnt push too much since I think everyone here is fighting the start of a small cold. :( Oh well. Its that time of year! Tomorrow is St. Nick's Day and Bunny is SOOOO excited! She has told everyone that Santa is coming tonight! This confuses everyone, but I love it! She associates the saint who loves God with the Santa that brings gifts! Isnt that sweet? I love my girls!
There is a ton of great Montessori work going on this week! To see all of it, visit Deb at


  1. What a lovely confussion!!! Aren't they sweet???? Love this group of activities...specially the gifts wrapped... you will see that one on my post!@!!!;lol

    Big Hugs!

  2. I love seeing that every child has their different favorite work. I can see how you truly follow their lead and it's so refreshing to see the children flourishing in the areas they are interested in. We'll be doing gift wrapping too! I just bought the boxes.

  3. Your girls are doing such a wonderful job of gift wrapping ... I think they're better at it than I am! And Bunny's thoughts on the prophecy card were amazing! I always love seeing your link at Montessori Monday. I've been adding a number of your Christmas posts to my Montessori-Inspired Christmas Activities at

  4. Thanks everyone for your great comments! My girls love to have trays that get changed, and I love making the works! :) Thanks Deb for sharing out link on your post!
