
Friday, December 2, 2011

Lights of the Season!

Well as promised here are the pictures from our trip last night to see the lights that they put up at our zoo! It is the biggest light show in out city and it is beautiful!!!! Bunny and Pup went last year with Dad while I was shopping. This year I went too! It was something that we decided to do rather quickly since our zoo membership was ending and we wanted to see the lights before it really got cold! It was amazing!!!!!! We ate dinner at the zoo diner which is where the lions and bear lived years ago! The kids love to eat in the old cages! :)
Here we are at the zoo!

We are waiting for the food to come! Pup is posing for me! ;)

Bunny posed too! 

After that we went out to see the singing lights! This display is synchronized to Christmas music and Bunny wanted to dance! :) Of course Pup joined her! After they danced a bit, we saw a ice sculpture and watched him make Santa out of a block of ice! It is so cool what they can do with ice!

When we got outside, Bunny was so excited she took the stroller from me since I was walking too slow!

Here is my dancer!

Pup couldn't sit and just watch!

My hubbies was really interested in seeing the ice carving! It was really amazing!

I cant even draw that well, let alone crave something out of ice that looked that good!

Then we were off to see the biggest tree in the zoo!!!! It is covered with blue lights and just awesome to see! We walked through the lights for a while on our way to see Santa (and to warm Pup's hands up)! Bunny has never wanted to really talk to Santa (she has always been a little shy) and Pup is still scared to death of him! ;) However, Bunny decided that she wanted to talk to Santa, so we stood in line to see him! Pup joined us too and she went up and looked at him (from about 10 feet away!) Bunny actually told him what she wanted! :) It was really sweet!
Pup and Dad!

Me and Bunny!

This is the big tree! I couldn't get it all in the shot!

We were give these cardboard glasses that make lights look like snowflakes! They are too cool! Here is what I was able to get the camera "see"! Pretty cool, huh?

Here are the trains that are set up in the building where Santa is! It is a HUGE set up!

Here is the stage where Santa was sitting.  wasn't able to take pictures of him because they want you to buy on! :) Sorry about the blurry pictures. Going from the dark to light required me changing settings and I forgot to do it a few times!

Here is Bunny waiting to see Santa!

We followed this milestone moment up with a ride on the train and the carousal! Pup was excited to ride a zebra (it is her favorite animal) on the carousal! She loved it! Bunny rode the elephant (her favorite animals at the moment). After that we were able to get right on the train! Pup had been very concerned about the animals being able to get her while we were on the train because it goes out around the African animal exhibit! The only way she would get on it was being assured that the animals were in their homes! :) So we got on and she LOVED it! She grinned the whole time and said it was her favorite (after riding a Zebra of course)!
Pup had to ride this Zebra! She LOVED it! She laughed the whole time! :)

Bunny loved her elephant too!

Me and Pup!

She loved the train too!

Daddy and Bunny! Bunny loved the train ride best! :) It was really cool since we rode through a tunnel of lights! It felt so weird (cool weird)!

We had a really wonderful time together and it was a really special moment! I was reading an article the other day about how kids will really remember the good times you spend together! It was a good reminder and it is part of what got us out to the zoo! And it really was worth it! I love taking time for family! It was also a great little tie in with our Prophecy this week "The People who walked in darkness have seen a great Light" Isaiah 9:1. My hope is that this is something that will be a memory for the girls of time with mom and dad! What things do you do in your family to build memories and spend time together?

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