
Monday, October 31, 2011

Montessori Monday~ "H" is for Halloween!

Well this week I am {finally} getting to putting out {and making} our Halloween trays! Yes I know that I am way behind, but that was how it went this year! :) If you really like my ideas, just Pintrest them for next year! This of course means that it is "H" week here, and the girls are loving all the holiday fun! Here are some pictures of the trays that I have out this week:

Sorting spider and bat rings with a clothes pin.

Pouring Beads

Spooning Corn

Pencil Craft
{the kit came from JoAnn Fabrics!}

Pumpkin Matching

Tossing Bean Bags into the bucket

Open and Close with candy corn.
{My hope was that Tadpole would be so intereted in getting the candy that he would sit still for a bit! ;)}

Roll the dice and make a Jack-o-Lantern

So today was the first day the kids got to work with all the new trays and they worked for quite a while and even hit some really great practical life work that got my basement cleaned! ;) I thought it was great how hard they worked and I think that we are getting into a good routine together! Bunny and Bug are showing some good progress and I think that they are absorbing the information! I love that sometimes the learning happens without being able to see it! Here are few of the things that we did today!

Here is Bug spooning corn.
 She was really attracted to the small containers with a lid.

Here is Bunny playing the Jack-o-Lantern game.

Here is Bug matching the pumpkins

Here is Tadpole trying the spooning.
He didn't get them all in the cup, but he tried it and even picked up some of the ones he spilled! :)

This was a hard work for the kids, but they all tried it!

I got out the circle, oval, and ovoid metal insets out for the girls to make pumpkins!
These are pretty tricky for both Bug and Pup, so any time I can encourage them to try them I do!
They loved making Pumpkins though! Bug was especially proud of her work!

Here is Bug's Pumpkin up close and the black is the pumpkin's face! :)

I also encouraged Bunny to write some Halloween words.
 I drew the pictures and she wrote the words all on her own!

She did all of these and she did them alone! I did help with pumpkin a bit since it was really long and she has harder time when the word is long. I am so proud that she was able to do them all! She is defiantly in the sensitive period for writing! ;)

She even wrote a few more words that I forgot! :)

Bug "poofed" the letter sounds again! She did amazing job and she remembered the pretty well! We are still in the second stage of the three part lesson, but I think she will get to the third part soon! She even matched the objects to their correct beginning sounds! Yeah for Bug!

She even traced out new letter with serious deliberation!

After all that hard work, she played some games!

Bunny moved on to candy corn subtraction. She did a ton of problems and she did a great job! I let her eat a few candy corn when she was done! That always makes math better! ;)

Here is her "trick" paper! Everything equaled two and she thought it was funny!

We even had a nice grace and courtesy lesson!
 Bunny offered everyone candy and I prompted the others to say thank you!

Tadpole knocks things over and dumps things out ALOT! In fact its his favorite thing to do! He doesn't usually pick things up however, and we are working on that. He knocked Pink Tower over today and I asked him to pick it up, and he did! Did pretty well too! I managed to grab a quick pic of his work before he knocked it over again! ;)

The next thing I let the kids to was scrub the table. It needed it so badly and they LOVED doing it! I have never gotten out a scrub brush since that isn't how I clean most things. But all the Montessorians out there say its about the process of the scrubbing. Let me tell you, it used alot of muscles that the kids don't use much! All of them thought it was hard! It was great fun though and it inspired some more cleaning!!!! We got all the basement cleaned and it looked amazing!

Even Tadpole got into the spirit of it all! He was pretty proud of climbing on the stool all by himself!

So that was our day! It was so busy and followed up by some amazing trick or treating! Great holiday fun! If you want to see more amazing Montessori work, please check out Montessori Monday over at Living Montessori Now and One Hook Wonder!
I also add this to the TGIF Linky Party at Living Life Intentionally!


  1. We just barely got our Halloween trays out today too. They boys really enjoyed the work and my mom came over to see them work. It was a fun day. I'm glad to see your day was equally fun. Thanks for the tip on the scrub brush. I'll try that with JR & Ash. Happy Halloween!

  2. Lori~ It was a fun day! I love that montessori trays allow us to make the holiday super fun and super educational! :) I hated having to do school before halloween, it seemed to last forever. At least the trays make the school work fun! :) It sounds like your biys had a great day!

    Growing a Godly Girl~ Thanks so much! I'm glad that you are enjoying our blog! I'm glad you stopped by! Happy Schooling!

  3. We did a candy corn counting dice game this week. You can't go wrong with candy corn! ;-)

  4. Halloween is the Eve of the Feast of All Saints that is celebrated around the world the next day. How do you follow up Halloween with the Feast of All Saints?

  5. Zina~ Candy Corn are always a success! Bunny wanted to buy them anyway, so I thought that using them for education would make them better! ;)

    Bern~ I have been so busy that this year I havent had time to get any amazing things together for the feast :( I felt bad, but I just couldnt get it all in. We did go to Mass and Bunny got out some saint books and cards to play with. I hope to do better next year! If you want to find some great Montessori style saint cards you can check out That Resource Site
    Happy Schooling!

  6. Just a great post, Stephanie, what a fine day! I posted about you on FB.

  7. VERY cute! You have so many cute ideas here! I would love for you to link up at my TGIF Linky Party -

  8. Thanks so much John! I really am thankful for your support!

    Beth~ I totally forgot to do that the last time! I'm sorry! I will do it now! :) Thanks for stopping by!

  9. What fun playful days you have! I am visiting from TGIF Linky Party =-)
