
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A hunting we will go.....

Today we decised to head out on an adventure since the weather was really nice! I mean it was in the 70s !!! Yeah! So we headed out to the local National Wildlife Refuge to hunt for acrons! I had seen these arorable painted acorns, and I thought it would be a wonderful project to do with the girls! And offer went! It was fun! The girls helped me look really hard, and we found a pile of them! So we tucked them in their nature bags and headed out of the forest {before the mosiquitos carried us off}! It was really relaxing and peaceful. I love these moments! :)
Bunny thought that this stick was really cool! The bark had fallen off places and it was smooth!

We found acorns!!!!!

Here is Bunny hiding from the mosquitos! They were so thick!

Arent the colors pretty!

Here is Bunny pointing to leaf the was dancing in the wind!
 She said it was like having a nature puppet show to watch!

Here is the star of the "show"

Here is our treasure!

We also walked in a grassland type habitat. Pup saw these tiny daisys that facinated her!
She thought they were so pretty! I love it when kids discover nature themselves!

These are Bunny's Binoculars

They also turn into a telescope! ;)

When we got home Bunny and I washed and dried and baked our treasures! ;) I wanted make sure that nothing was going to craw out of them! I really dont like bugs in the house! It was a great scrubbing exercise!

Ready to bake!

Then it was time to paint! The girls were so excited to do this part! We popped the top off the acorn, painted the nut part, then let them dry! Then all we needed to do was hot glue the top back on!

Aren't they cute! :) I love them, and we created them together!

What kind of Fall fun are you having with your kiddos this year?


  1. I love this great activity!!! Love the walk, the autum colors, we don't have that!!so bad...), and that beautiful acorns!!!! soooo cute!!! thanks for share it!!

  2. This looks like so much fun! Thanks for sharing it.

  3. Thanks guys! The girls had a blast and so did I! I love having time to do projects with them! :) Thanks for stopping. You comments make my day! Happy Fall!!!!

  4. What a great activity! Gorgeous nature photos and your girls are adorable as always. Thank you for sharing!

  5. What a fun idea! At what temperature and for how long did you bake the acorns? I had worms come out of the last acorns that I had in my classroom -- yuck!
