
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Montessori Monday~ "F" is for Fall

This week's theme is Fall!!!! Here in Ohio the weather is getting very cool and so I thought that this would an appropriate theme! I was thinking that I am changing trays too often, so I think I need to leave them out for at least two weeks so that the kids can work on them better! I also am thinking about doing some Five in a Row with the kids, but more on that as I figure it all out! :) On another note, things seem to be settling down into a pretty good rhythm here! Yeah! The kids have been doing really good work! So here is our work that we have out this week and the some pictures of the kids at work! :)
Our Alphabet Forest story today was about Felicity who has a foal! :)

Once again thatnks to my sister for her art work!

Deep in the alphabet forest lives Felicity and her little foal! Felicity's foal was born in the early spring when the buds on the trees were still very tiny and the weather was cool and sunny! When felicity saw the small foal she knew they would be the best of friends! All summer they played together and danced through the forest! Before they knew it the leaves on the tress turned from a dark cool green to warm yellow! The breeze started to turn cool and chilly, and the fruit grew ripe on the trees! The foal began to shiver and Felicity decided to make a small fire to keep them warm! They snuggles up together and told stories in the cool fall evening while they ate some fruit. They knew that they would always be friends!
Again I wish I would think ahead better so the story was better, but the kids thought it was cool! :) I also made a few trays that are fall themed and the kids wanted to get right to work! I want to make a couple more, but I haven't had any new ideas yet! I guess that means I will have a surprise for them next week! Here is what I have this week:

Here is our sensory bin. Its been a pretty big hit for Tadpole!

Mystery Number
{Bunny counts the acorns and write down the number. I am hoping this will help her work on her teens}

Clipping leaves

Polishing mirror

Pouring Beans
{got new pitchers, so now its a fun work}

Water Transfer

Fall Flower Arranging

"F" sound Basket
~ Four
~Fruit Matching
~ Fairy
~ Fox

Fall Books

Here are our pictures of the work we did today!

Pouring work
{Pup has been super social with Bug and they are doing everything together! I have been able to get one into a work and the other follows! For now it works!!!! They are learning how to give and take}

Water Transfer

Tadpole has been trying so hard to get into water! So I have finally let him just play in the sink! He has been so happy! At least in the bathroom everything can get wet!

Here is Tadpole putting felted stones and pompoms in container! He really focused on it!

See, working together again! :)

Here is Bunny's picture of Felicity the Fairy!

I also showed Pup how to do a cylinder block without looking. Everyone wanted to do it! Yeah!!!

She did it!

Pup did pink tower after Tadpole knocked it down!

She is pretty happy that she can do it all by herself!

Tadpole tried this puzzle, but ended up just dumping it! I guess I will show him how to do it when he is over next.

There has also been a TON of hopscotch! :)

Bunny did mystery number and then we worked with the sandpaper numbers to try to get her handwriting worked on a bit! She did well and had fun!


Metal Insets

Fruit matching

Stamp (button) game! It is challenging her and I think that it is something she will do it alot!

Leaf Transferring!

So we had lots of good work today! I hope that we will continue through the week! I will be linking up with One Hook Wonder and their Montessori Monday Post! Happy Schooling!


  1. I love your Fall sensory bin! It gave me some ideas of what I can do with Froggy Boots bin once I buy her a bigger one! I also love the buttons in place of the stamp game! I am always looking for ways to make materials rather than buy them.

  2. Looks like another great week, Stephanie! I love the mystery number and stamp (button) game! Thanks for linking up with Montessori Monday. I featured your transferring leaves photo and post at
