
Monday, September 19, 2011

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd!

Well everyone it has been a very long and full weekend! Whew! On Friday my dear hubbie got into a car accident. He is just fine, but his truck is not. Since he is a contractor, this is an issue that we are still working on! Until then I will be without a car! On Saturday I had my first Catechises of the Good Shepherd training day and it was amazing (my friend drove me)! We learned so much and we were able to learn the presentations that weekend to give to the kids at our church the next day! :) Another highlight was being able to see another atrium! I love to see other people's work spaces, Montessori or otherwise. We had a chance to really look around at all the things that they had in their atrium. So I thought I'd show you the pictures in case you wanted to see how awesome the atrium was! :)
Here is the atrium

Here is the practical life area where the kids can get water for their work and rags to clean up spills

Here are the practical life works

Here are the parables

More parables (this atrium is for level 1 and 2)

Good Shepherd area

Here is the pascal works

I love the people that they have. These are large peg people with clothes. Their arms are made of Popsicle stick! Perfect! I will be making a bunch of these for my atrium!

Here is the alter

Here is the alter work area with all the guestures

This is the bottom half of the sacristy cabinet with the work for alter 2 and 3.

The top half has the work for alter 1. I love their handmade chalice and patten. One of their parents did pottery and thew them one!

More practical life work!

Art Area.

Liturgical colors art area.

Here is some of the infancy narratives. I took pics of these since I need to make them next!

I will post more about my training as I go. I hope you enjoyed the pictures!


  1. Man do I wish we lived near one another. I would love to bring the boys to your atrium.

  2. Wow! That is amazing! What a wonderful way for a child to learn about their faith!

  3. It really is an amazing thing! Thanks for stopping by and seeing my new passion! :)

  4. What a beautiful atrium! Thanks for sharing. I'm looking forward to hearing more about your training! What is the time frame for it?
