
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Unexpected Fun!

Today we planned to have a rather slow restful day! Yesterday we were able to finish "spring" cleaning and I couldn't be happier! I am all done and I never want to clean again! :) Thanks to my sister and bother who came over to help me knock out the rest of the rooms! For the most part today was a slower day. But this afternoon, after making it to the chicken dinner at our church, we drove past the historic cabin that is in our park. To our joy and surprise it was open and there were activities. So we stopped to see what was going on. They were demonstrating cleaning in the 1850s and it was perfect way to end our week of hard cleaning! The girls were able to see how laundry was done on a washboard outside, and they were able to try it. They also got to help beat rugs and see some sewing work, and how the ironing was done! They had fun, I had fun, and I got some really good pictures! :)

This is the cabin.

Here is the washing demonstration.

Bunny wasn't sure that she wanted to do....

but then she thought it would be fun to try!

Working together is better! :)

But Pup had to try this all on her own too!

Learning to clean the rugs.

Yes they almost hit each other! :)

I liked how this shot turned out. I dont always take still life pics, but this one looked amazing!

This is so beautiful too!

Bunny tried sweeping....

so did Pup! :)

Bunny thought that the sewing was really cool. We are still working some sewing, so she liked seeing someone elses! :)

Bunny tried on a straw hat! Isnt she cute! ;)

How was your weekend? Did you do anything super fun?


  1. What a perfect extension to your recent Practical Life activities! I think most children are fascinated by the old washboards - which can be tricky to find by the way. I remember having a young child in one of my classrooms who would practically go through a bar of soap each week because he loved the feeling of his soapy hands gliding over the ribs on the washboard. lol

  2. What a fun activity to stumble upon and at a perfect timing for you! Your photos turned out great.

  3. I wonder if Greenfield Village ever does demonstrations like that? What a neat little cabin! It reminds me of the kind of home Laura Ingalls Wilder grew up in. I loved all things "olden days" when I was a kid. I even dressed up in the old fashioned clothing, bonnet and all!

  4. Jennifer~ I am looking for a washboard! I want one for the girls so much! :) I think htat Pup esspecially would love it! Plus its a great history lesson!
    Lori~ I love it when fun trips match up to what we are doing! :) The pictures did turn out well! Thanks!
    Mieke~ I read Little House on the Prarie to the girls and Bunny LOVED them! So it is always fun to visit the olden times! :) We are lucky this cabin is really close to our house! Greenfield Village is really great! They do do a ton of things like this! We went last year, and it was really cool! You will have to go when Froggy Boots is older!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi Monica, I am not in the pictures. That was one of the people who work there. The girls really did love it! Greenfeild Village is awesome. We want to head back up there sometime soon. It is amazing how much kids can learn from trips like this if you have first given them a taste of the time period!

  7. Thank you very much. This is great post.
