
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Apple Pie, Apple Prints, and Apple Trees!

Today was our apple day! :) We made some pie first thing this morning with the kids! Bug and Pup washed the apples, and Bunny learned how to put the crust in the pie plate. Then all of the girls got a chance to peel the apples and cut them up. I also let them mix in the sugar and cinnamon, and make the crumb top! They had fun and it was such a great practical life project! :)

While our pie baked, we made apple prints. Now as a mental note to myself NEVER DO THIS AGAIN!!!! I think I said this to myself the last time I tried this project, but I mean it this time! It is such a fun idea, but unless you are a able to cut the apple exactly straight, it just doesn't work. If you try this without having great cutting skills (like me) you will end up with red and green blobs that don't look like apples and some disappointed kids! :) They did have fun putting the paint on the apples however, so it wasn't a total fail! :) Here are the pictures of our apple prints.

Finally we walked down the road to the an apple tree that just happens to live by the street! Talk about perfect! The girls were really excited about seeing the apples growing! I made up a song about the life cycle of an apple that we sang as we walked. The girls really loved it! Bug even remembered it later on! Music is such a great way to help kids remember information! If you want to sing our song I will write it at the end of the post! :) Here are the pictures of them observing the tree. I took along our recycled crayons so they could do some rubbings! This was a hit too!

Life Cycle of an Apple Song
Sung to the song Farmer in the Dell
The farmer plants a seed
The Farmer plants a seed
Hey Ho What do you know?
The farmer plants a seed.

The seed becomes a seedling
The seed becomes a seedling
Hey Ho What do you know?
The seed becomes a seedling

The seedling grow into a tree
The seedling grows into a tree
Hey Ho What do you know?
The seedling grows into a tree.

The tree grows a bud
The tree grows a bud
Hey Ho What do you know?
The tree grows a bud.

The bud becomes a blossom
The bud becomes a blossom
Hey Ho What do you know?
The bud becomes a blossom.

The blossom becomes an apple
The blossom becomes an apple
Hey Ho What do you know?
The blossom becomes an apple

The apple grows a seed
The apple grows a seed
Hey Ho What do you know?
The apple grows a seed.

So there you have it! That about wraps up the apple activities that I have planned! :) I am trying to keep my weekly projects simple so I dont get overwhelmed! Today was almost too much for me! I did tell Bunny that she could earn her Apple Badge by telling me what she learned. Here is her report on apples! I think she learned more then I knew!

Here is her new badge! :)


  1. Absolutely awesome!!! Great job Bunny and Pup!!


  2. Great work as always Mama!

    I wanted to let you know that I am passed the "One Lovely Blog" award to you in my blog! I am always inspired when I come here. Thank you for sharing your ideas!

  3. I love apple projects! It is really difficult to cut the apples exactly straight. But, if you cut the apples and let them dry out a little over night, the prints come out much better than with freshly cut apples. That's a little trick I learned a few years ago!

  4. Thanks for all the comments! They really make my day! :)
    Jen~ Thanks for the award!
    Mieke~ Great tip for letting the apples sit!!!!! Maybe I will try it again! Thanks!
