
Friday, July 8, 2011

Outside Animal Sorting!

Well we have been taking it pretty easy here, so there hasn't been much interest in doing school. So I thought it would be fun to bring our work outside again! :) I grabbed the zoo animals and a blanket and headed outside with the girls. Pup just wanted to look at the animals and "count" them. She has been setting things out and pointing while she counts them out. She is saying the numbers correctly, and pointing to one thing at a time, but they don't always work out to the right number! :) She is doing a great job though! 

Bunny did not want to sort by continent. She took the animals and started to look around the yard to an area that resembled the animals habitat! This was a work that was going to do with her (I was going to prepare more, but hey, it worked)! She spent quite a lot of time picking out just the right spot! :) Here are the spots she picked out!
Gorilla in the tree tops

Giraffe eating leaves in the trees

Wild horses in the grass

Wolves on the hunt

Elephant at the watering hole!

Rhinos like water too she told me

Hippos too.

Bear in the Forest (she pulled down leaves to make a forest)!

Tortoise out in the grass

Zebra standing by the tree the giraffe is eating in. :)

Deer in the woods

Camel in the desert. Bunny loved that he camouflaged! We almost didn't find it! :)

Gator by the water

Lion in the grassland

Tiger in the jungle

 Llamas live in the mountains (she built one)!

Here is arctic!

I love how creative she was thinking up the where to put the animals! She had a ton of fun! I do think however that we will be taking time off of school for the rest of the summer. We haven't been down there and I think that if I keep letting Bunny work whenever she wants to and not work when she doesn't want to, I will end up with a problem come fall when we HAVE to work (even when we don't want to). I will still post activities that we do, I just wont be in the school room!
How is your summer going so far?


  1. What a fun way to take the animal work outside. It seems Bunny has absorbed a lot of information about animal habitats! The pictures are adorable - thanks for sharing!

  2. What cool animal work! Love it! Happy summer and thanks for popping by my blog:)

  3. I LOVE it when the children find their own way to learn. The habitats are so cute and accurate. I'm borrowing this idea! I love it.

  4. Love the outdoor creativity. Where did you get the zoo animal cards? I was going to make some myself, but they look like a great alternative to all that hard work!


  5. Hi Fiona,
    I made the card myself using pictures from wikimedia. If you would like I can send them to you. Let me know!

  6. Stephanie, that would be wonderful. Thank you for your generosity! I love your blog. My daughter is around Pup's age, so I get lots of great tips.

    Thank you again,
    fjkelly6 at gmail. com
