
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Farm Additions!

My darling sister was finally able to finish some of the farm animal cut outs that I wanted to use for Bunny's Golden Bead Addition! She work so hard to get all of these put together! Thank you SO MUCH! I took each little animal and glued it on the back of a large index card, and then I wrote a static (no carrying), 4 digit addition problem on the back. Then I put them in a basket for Bunny to use when she wants to. (I do have a few set aside that I put subtraction problems on. I will present this to her soon).

I showed them to her today and she was SO excited! The animals are SO cute and they are just for her! She wanted to work right away! So I helped her get the work out and she started to put the numbers together. I had to go upstairs and do a few things and when I came back, she had made the numbers and was starting the bead work! I was so proud! Then she did another one, all by herself! She really get this work and I definitely need to get some subtraction work out next! 

Stop by tomorrow! We are making a water kitchen outside!!!!! Should be a ton of fun!
What fun things are you doing in the summer weather?


  1. Are you not going to introduce dynamic addition before you move on to subtraction? From Meg's albums it seems like she did. Just curious.

  2. I have to read up some more on that. I started to try and explain how to do a dynamic problems using Karen's album (I have those printed so it was easier and she did the dynamic first as well) but it didnt work well. She said that "she wasnt ready for all that work". So I said I would read more and try again later. I guess that's what I'm doing tonight! :)

  3. I tried to type this at the pool on my phone and it didn't work so here it is again: With Bear, I played a lot of trading games first. Race to one hundred. I'm sure I have a post about it but I have to make supper. Roll a die,get the number of unit beads that correspond. When you get to ten beads, trade for a bar. Do this to one hundred. Does that make sense? It's a game, low stress:) It will get her used to trading so that when you do dynamic addition, it will be easier. Also, you could use two digit addends as opposed to four in the beginning to make it less overwhelming (fewer numbers). Hope this helps. I used Meg's album for my presentation for Bear. I have Karen's too, but I don't remember her presentation of it. Meg's has a diagram (I'm visual) that helped me understand it better. Do you have them yet?

  4. Now that you say that I did see that presented when I went to observe the Montessori School here. I think that will be the way to go! Bunny is just happy doing addition, so I will let her keep doing that, and start the exchange game! Thanks for the tip! I will be diving in to Meg's Albums tonight! :)
