
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Asia Continent Box

So here is my next continent box post! I actually have found quite a few things to put into my Asia box. This is a fun continent because there is a lot of different cultures here to gather from. I really want to gather a few more things from Japan or from some of the Islands in the south. But here is what I have currently!

This box includes:
~ Pictures of Asian People
~ Pictures of Asian Food
~ Pictures of Asian Musical Instruments
~ Pictures of Asian Places
~ Pictures of Asian Birds
~ Pictures of Asian Animals
~ Tiger, Elephant, Rhino, and a Przewalski's Horse  
~Peacock Feather
~ Bells made in India
~ Brass Castanets
~ Chopsticks
~ Handwoven Bracelet made by women in the Philippines
(This ministry helps them earn money for their starving families. Here is their link:
~ Taj Mahal
~ Gem Stones from Asia
(A good friend of my husband works in a jewelry store and gave us these beautiful samples!)
~ Money from Japan, Thailand, and WWII money from Korea

So that is what is in out Asia Box! I hope you enjoyed seeing! If anyone has ideas of something else to include, be sure to let me know! Happy Schooling!


  1. waaa. That is a lot of stuff! My Asia box is not as good as yours. Nice job. I love these continent boxes. They are so fun to mak and the kids really learn a lot while playing.

  2. Thanks! I really dont know how I got so much for this continent! I really love the boxes for learning too! They are so beautiful and fun! :) Thanks for stopping by!

  3. You're making me want continent boxes again...
    I can't wait until JR is ready for this. I think I'll add it for our kinder curriculum this next year. :)
