
Monday, May 9, 2011

Nature, Nature!

We have finally gotten two beautiful days of sun and we really took advantage of it! Yesterday was mothers day and I begged my hubbie to take me out to the beach to sit in the sun. This was all I wanted for mothers day. Time to sit and be with my family (and get all the stuff for the nature tray swap!). So we got out there! It was amazing!  I had fun, the kids had fun, and even my hubbie had fun! :)
Ready to hunt!

Digging for good shells

Checking something out!

Driftwood that looks like a moose! :)

There is a lot of HUGE driftwood on the beach this year! Lots of fun to climb.

My Hubbie!

Too cute! :)

My family!

My girls! :)

Today, Pup had a pretty high fever, and so I didn't plan on doing much school. However, Pup wanted to go for a walk and so did Bunny, so we headed out to the park again! It is bird week out here. We live in a huge migratory path, so there are some cool birds that are flying around! We kept our eyes and ears open and we did some fun birds! Here are the few we saw. Please remember that I am not a birder and may be mistaken! :)

Red winged black bird (they are everywhere near the lake)

American Gold Finch

This is a White Crowed Sparrow (not common around here)
a White Throated Sparrow

A Baltimore Oriole
( I was super excited about seeing one of these, but it was hard to get a pic.)

Purple Martin


  1. Nice!! It getting nicer here in Alaska as well..I took C for a nice run yesterday. I can't wait to go in some summer adventures. Your pictures are lovely.

  2. Thanks! We are itching for some summer fun too! I on the other hand would rather have some spring, but with all the chilly rain I'm afraid that we will jump right into HOT! At least we will start getting outside! Thanks for stopping by!
