
Monday, May 16, 2011

Montessori Monday!

Well this week has been really good for us. Even though we have been going alot of places, Bunny has wanted to work. So here are the pics from our week:

Two cylinder blocks

It was really hard for her, but she did a great job!

Rug rolling

Pin punching

Number Rod Addition

Books. Pup loves to look at books! She even has taken to sleeping with them! :)


Sandpaper letters

Writing letters in sand tray

Color people

Moveable alphabet

Sound Boxes



Zoo Field trip!

Whew! It was a busy week! If you want to see more great people doing Montessori work check out One Hook Wonder. What have you done this week with your kiddos?


  1. Wonderful works as usual! I love the pictures, you have two beautiful hardworking daughters. Keep up the good work!! Thank you for sharing.

  2. Pup did 2 cylinder blocks! I'm very impressed. And I can't believe Bunny tied her shoe! It's been a big week. Give them both a high five from me!

  3. HI there,
    How do you present the spnge tower and tonges?

  4. Presenting sponge tower was pretty simple. My girls had already explored the open and close of the tongs in the store while we were shopping.(I got them at Michaels for a $1) Then I just sat them down with the tray, told them what it was, and said we were going to build a tower! Then I showed them how to pick up each piece of spong, one at a time, with the tongs on either side of the square. Then I lay that piece on the tray, and got another the same way and lay it on top of the other one. I did this for all of the squares and then I blew it over! The girls think that is fun! To finish I picked up the piece and put them back into the bowl. Bunny uses the tongs to pick up the pieces, and Pup is still trying to get all the pieces into a tower, but it is fun! This work has been on the shelves for a while now. I hope that I explained it well. Let me know if its not! Happy Schooling!

  5. I have a question about the writing letters in the sand tray. Is that tupperware that you are using? Are you using something colored underneath the tray that shows through when they write? I've tried using a simple tray that I got from Ikea, but the sides aren't very tall and its been messy. Looking for another option.

  6. Hi Melissa,
    I am using one of those square gladware containers! It was all I had on hand, and it seems to work. I was very concerned about Pup getting into the sand and spilling it, so I wanted something that sealed. The blue underneath it it the lid. It's a flat lid, so I am able to sit the container on top. Hope that helps! Sand trays seem to be one of those super simple DIY ideas, but hard to find the perfect thing! :)
