
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Montessori Monday~ Space Unit!

Well as promised we are jumping into space! :) It is seems weird to me to not do a Christmas theme, but we are ready to learn so we will! :) I think that to bring it all together with the season, I will talk about the star that shone over the stable! We started the week off with some new trays! I went all out like I used to and made about four new trays! I wish I could do some more, but space is limited in the school room. Pup was really excited about then though! She did alot of good work today with the new work! Here is what is out right now:

Balancing Planets on golf tees

Sifting planets

Universe Stringing Beads
(I spent a ton of time looking for star shaped beads, but I couldnt find any)

Pin Punching Planets
The girls were working alot today and we were able to get a great space lesson in today! I started with the planets and how they and earth orbits the sun! I did the orbiting lesson from the Karen Tyler album for Pup and I did the same lesson for Bunny out of my elementary albums!
Making our little earth orbit the sun!

In the elementary albums, the demonstration was to use a bead on the end of a string and swing it around in the air to see how the orbit goes. Bunny thought it was great!

We only get a 2 billionth of the heat of the sun! Bunny didnt understand, so we wrote it out and showed it as a fraction family! She was AMAZED and wants to know more about big numbers. I dont have the hierarchical work, does anyone know how else I can show this to her?
When we finished out presentation, Bunny got to work drawing a book of the planets that orbit the sun!

So that is our space kick off! Both girls are excited and I would love to keep it going! I am hoping to have Bunny get to the presentations about how time and the sun are connected and maybe even get us outside for some stargazing! I hope you all are having a great week! If you want to see more great Montessori fun, stop by Montessori Monday! Happy Schooling!


  1. Oh my gosh...that looks like so much fun. I especially love using the round cake pan with the marble to recreate the earth orbit the sun. I'll have to remember that! Thanks for always sharing your ideas. I love your blog.

    1. Thanks Lori! That idea is one of the presentations in Karen Tyler's Astronomy album! The girls have been doing it over and over! I cant wait to see what you guys do when you start your space study!

  2. These are great! Can't wait to use these ideas next year when we do Space with Classical Conversations.

    1. Sounds like fun! It has been a few years since I have done any space work with Bunny! So far it is fun! I hope you guys are doing well!

  3. Uncanny, I spent Monday night cutting and laminating ALL of the materials in Karen's astronomy album. The calendar work we have been doing has sparked an interest in space (unlike the first Great Lesson which DIDN'T spark and interest in space.). Funny how that works.

    1. You know, we got a bit of interest in star after the first great lesson, but then Bunny decided that she really would rather study rocks. I didnt take advantage and really have things ready for that. So we really didnt get into good work. So I have re-presented the first lesson, and we are now focusing on the geography album. Bunny is really not interested in volcanos and rock right now, and she is interested in time and space. So we are focusing on the earth and the sun! We will see how it goes, but I think that both girls are going to be able to learn alot and have fun! Its not traditional, but it is making it a bit easier for me! :) It really looks like you guys are doing a great job and I love how you are making sure that your base is sound before you move on! You are amazing! :) Happy Schooling!

  4. LOVE YOUR SPACE TRAYS!!!! You are a star!!! Great ideas!! Lovely I{m preparing some earth, atmosphere.... all in that line works!! toooooo much!!! but I LOVE IT!!! That{s why I love you go ahead, YOU GAVE ME AMAZING IDEAS!!!! THANK YOU!!! BIG HUGS!! AND Happy MOntessori Teaching!!!
