
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Bunny's Garden Update!

Well today we were watering our garden, and on a hunch, I pulled up one of the carrots Bunny grew a while back. They were ready! I called Bunny right over and she was super excited! She pulled out the ones that were big enough and was working so fast she had a whole pile before I could even get the camera! After we got them into the house she washed them all by herself and cut off the tops so she could serve them for dinner! When daddy got home, she was so excited to show off what she made for dinner! They were pretty good and everyone ate them! Even the small people who dont like them!

It is amazing to me how things grow! We just put them in the ground and water them and they grow! Everything in the world just grows! What a beautiful, amazing gift from God! I hope you are having a bountiful harvest if you have a garden, and if not, I hope you are enjoying all the yummy things of summer! :)

1 comment:

  1. Woow!!!!!! Soo AWesome!!! So excited she planted that yesterday!!! I love how proud she is in the picture!!!! Soooo happy for you!!! "Buen Provecho" we all love carrots!! including little people!!lol Hugs!!
