
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Africa Studies!

Well here is my third post today! :) I like to have time to remember the best parts of my day, so this is kind of a stress relief! :)
Today we worked on Africa! I wasn't going to do it the whole day, but that is how the interests here went! It started with Bunny playing dolls before we started school. She told me her baby loved Lions and that she was going to Africa so that her baby could see real lions. Well I took hold of this idea and helped her make a Kanga dress ( a traditional East African outfit). It was super easy to do with a piece of material I had in my stash! We tried it a few different ways and they all worked out, but the over the shoulder wrap stayed on the best! We also had her baby wrapped on her back for a little bit! She is SO cute!

Getting a picture was hard, she wouldn't hold still! 

Baby wrap on! Too cute!

After we got the dress on, I thought it would be fun to watch some African dancing! Bunny and Pup LOVED it (so do I). All I had to do was find some videos on traditional African dance that were on the internet. We watch quite a few of them and they got to see the difference between the different cultures! While the videos where on, Bunny started to dance! It was so cute to watch her version of African dancing! :)  Even Pup gave it a try.
They loved watching the dancing!

She tried to put her beads on the gourd so that it was more like a Shakere Rattle.

Drumming African music.


We finished today's study by making Braai Sarnies for lunch (here is a link for recipes). They are basically fancy grilled cheese. :) They were good and I think the girls sort of liked them!

Our Braai Sarnies

So we will be talking more about the continent it self later this week! So stop back!


  1. Hi, your comment on Chasing Cheerios brought me here. I just wanted to recommend a series of children's books set in Africa called Anna Hibiscus by Atinuke. She is a nigerian born author and story teller which I think you'll love reading out loud to your girls. Check it out.

  2. Thanks for your tip! I'll look for those books! They sounds awesome! We love to read here! Thanks for stopping by! Hope you visit again!

  3. This is such a great idea. I need to remember it for when we go over Africa. The baby doll wrapped on her back is just too cute!

  4. Hi Stephanie
    Lovely post! I landed here looking for ideas for our Africa continent box, and your post is great. Thank you. Just thought I'd tell you the recipe you used is "Braaied Sarmies" In South Africa a "sarmie" is slang for a sandwich. And a "braai" is a barbecue. We don't say barbeque here at all. So basically the words mean, barbecued sandwich, as you said, grilled cheese sandwich ;-) Long ago people used to tie the sandwiches together with cotton thread, because they would fall apart on the grid, when you turned them. Now we just pop them between those hinged grids over the coals, and turn the whole grid. I'm so iimpressed that you used a South African recipe, thank you.
