
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Shoveling and Scooping!

Well I haven't posted much lately. Sorry. We have been so busy with errands, meeting, and general house stuff. Unfortunately that means that our school has kinda been uneventful. So I have some cute and sweet day to day things that happened after my last post that I thought I would share.

Tuesday (after I posted my blog post) the girls both got some great practical life experience! With all the snow that fell. My hubby had to shovel when he got home form work, and Bunny got to help with her shovel! It was so cute to watch her trying shovel all that heavy snow, but she did a great job, and I know she felt so big! :)

While Bunny was out with Dad, Pup (who is too small to try and walk through all that snow) got to fill up the new bird feeder! She loved to scoop out the seed from the bucket and pour it into the funnel! (After that we had a sweeping lesson!)

 To end the day, my hubby let both the girls crawl into a box that had come (I finally got the baskets for my toy cabinet. They look good!). The girls loved to jump in the packing peanuts! The photo op was just too good!

 Yesterday, my sister decided to go to Hobby Lobby and pick up some painting stuff to make some paintings for the walls in my front room. Now neither of us are painters, but I saw some awesome birds that were on some canvases at Pier 1, and I wasn't able to pay $60 for them. So she said we should try to make them! So far they aren't looking too bad. I'm really surprised. I will post some pics on them in a few days when they are done! Till then have fun!

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