
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Chilly Walks and Fuzzy Fairies

Today we woke up to a tiny bit of snow! My first thought was what can we do for fun inside today? Well....after much thought, a ton of grouchy moments with the girls, I decided that maybe we should go outside and get some fresh air! I read "Stranger in the Woods" and "The First Snow in the Woods" by Carl R. Sams III. for circle time. Then my dear hubby suggested we go out to the Wildlife Refuge. So off we went! When we got there the snow had picked up again, so we walked out in the woods with the snowing falling all around us (ok it was blowing and I was freezing, but it was still fun!). We saw a rabbit (too fast for the camera) and we found some tracks from different animals (not being a wildlife person I have no idea what they are). I was hoping to see more things that were in the books that I might be able to identify, but, hey at least there was a rabbit! (I guess I need a wildlife tracking books.)  It turned out to be a lot of fun even though it was freezing....and I got some good pics! :)

 Bunny in the Woods

 Our animal tracks

 Hubby and Pup

 Me and Bunny (So Cute!)

 Our tracks in the snow from the 3rd story of the Wildlife Refuge Building!

Also, as promised, I am posting pics of my first attempts of needle felting! I really think its fun, but I do need to practice! I am happy with how things turned out!
The Fairy of Winter and the Fairy of Spring (I'll have to make Fall and Summer)

I also needle felted a little something for Bunny for her birthday, but I am not posting pics yet cause she loves to scroll through the blog! :) Since Bunny did come down with a slight fever this evening, we'll see if there is any schooling tomorrow!

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